Say Cheese!

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Shoutout to xXTHEDAMSNACKBARXx  for some awesome ideas for this story.
Percy's POV(he is my favorite person to write about:)

I woke up to Annabeth getting out of bed. Before Tartarus I slept like the dead(or like Nico) but now I'm a very light sleeper. Annabeth even told me that I don't drool in my sleep anymore.
Annabeth went into the bathroom and turned on the light, leaving a little crack of brightness from under the door in an otherwise dark room.
I decided that I would get ready too so I quickly pulled on my robes and waited for Annabeth to leave the bathroom so I could brush my teeth.
After a minute or so she opened the door and walked out. Even though her outfit was the exact same as everyone else's, she still looked amazing. Her blonde hair was pulled back into a ponytail and her stormy gray eyes sparkled.
She had a smirk on her face.
"What are you looking at, Seaweed Brain?"
"Just my perfect girlfriend." I winked. Cheesy, I know, but oh well.
"Yeah. I am pretty perfect, aren't I?" She said smiling. I stepped forward to kiss her but I was greeted by a hand.
"Seriously, you need to learn to brush your teeth first, Kelp Head."
I rolled my eyes and feigned being offended as I walked towards the bathroom.

We sat down at the Gryffindor table for breakfast next to our friends and across from Harry and his friends. We started talking about classes and Quidditch. And because I felt like being even cheesier, I did the whole yawn and wrap your arm around your girlfriend thing.

Only I didn't realize it was my arm with the S.P.Q.R. tattoo, and the loose sleeves of the robed didn't exactly help hide it. Before I could do anything Harry piped up.
"What's that on your arm?" He asked with his brows furrowed in confusion.
"Nothing. Just a tattoo I got on my seventeenth birthday with some of my friends."
I silently praised my improving acting(lying) skills. Annabeth sent my an impressed look.
I suddenly heard oddly loud whispering to my side.
Leo had officially met Ron's twin brothers.(Fred is still alive because him dying is really sad:( It sounded like they were planning a prank or something and I couldn't help thinking how funny and catastrophic at the same time, it would be if the Stoll brothers were here now. There wouldn't be any shaving cream or silly string left in Europe after all of the pranks they would surely do.
I stuffed myself with everything I could see and probably gained like five pounds just then. The Wizards looked me in shock after I finished my third plate. What can I say? I have a fast metabolism and I'm always hungry. Most of the time it's from training and fighting monsters, but school is almost as taxing.

After breakfast was over we headed to Herbology with the Hufflepuffs. Katie Gardner would have really enjoyed this class. As it is though, Neville Longbottom was even better than Hermione and Annabeth in this class. Their pants grew tall and green. Mine was okay. It was a little lopsided, but only if you looked at it head on.
Nico's plant however was dead within 10 seconds flat. It shriveled up and crumbled to pieces and fell into the dirt. We all laughed at this.
Hazel's wasn't doing much better, but atleast it wasn't completely dead-only like 75 percent dead. The leaves were brown and so was most of the stem, but it was still standing up.

After Herbology we went to Transfiguration. We had to practice turning pieces of parchment(I think that's what you call it? These wizards are weird.) into an apple.
My apple looked like it got trampled by an elephant, but Annabeth's looked as good as the golden apples in the garden of Hesperides.

Next we went to Charms and we practiced making a feather float. Hermione told us that they had done this a long time ago and that she was the first one to get it right. Then Ron grumbled about her being a show off.

Next was lunch, but that was over quickly.

After that we had History of Magic. Professor Binns still look a little nervous around Nico, but he composed himself enough to actually teach the lesson. The class was really boring though. I've never liked history.

Next we had potions and we practiced making polyjuice potions. I think I did it sort of right. I didn't try it though.

Lastly we had Defense against the Dark Arts with the new Professor. This was my favorite class since it was kind of like fighting. Today however we were just reviewing the disarming charm and a few other basic ones. Hopefully tomorrow we will get to do move advanced things.

After class we headed to the library to get some homework done. Annabeth's eyes widened at the sight of all the books. Hermione was smiling and had a knowing look on her face.
We sat down at a table and pulled out our homework, but I couldn't read it at all. The words were swimming around the page and all I could make out of the title was Stnunign Sepll after starting at it for a minute. The other demigods had furrowed brows or slight frowns on their faces out of confusion.
"Hey, what does this say?" I asked no one in particular while pointing at the title. Hermione answered.
"Stunning Spell. Do you need reading glasses? Not to be rude."
"Thanks and no, I just have dyslexia. It makes it almost impossible to read."
"Oh, I'm sorry. Here I'll help you."she proceeded to read the rest of the assignment out loud to me and the other demigods payed attention so we wouldn't all have to ask for help.
After an hour or so we went back to the common room to talk before dinner.

The fire was ablaze and casting a warm glow around the room. I sat with my am around Annabeth's shoulders on and armchair. Everyone else sat on the couch or on the floor in front.
We were talking about the day and Annabeth rested her head on my chest. My stomach rumbled and Annabeth tilted her head up to look at me.
"Well someone's hungry."
I laughed quietly then we locked eyes. I leaned down to kiss her.

Then I heard an obviously fake cough.
"Hey lovebirds, we're still all here." Leo said annoyingly as I glared at him. Piper punched him in the arm causing everyone to laugh. Then it was time for dinner.

I piled my plate high with all different types of food from the buffet in front of me, ignoring the looks that some of the wizards gave me.
Beside me, Annabeth and Hermione were in an intense discussion about how broomsticks fly and I decided to join their conversation.
"It's really interesting how it works without a motor or anything." Annabeth stated.
"I've never really considered it. I just knew it was magic, so I didn't question it. However I've done extensive reading on quidditch and the matter of the brooms came up once or twice"
"How do you two know so much?" I interjected.
"We read. You don't. I've known you since we were twelve and I've never seen you with a book in your hands."
"Well that's because you read enough for the both of us." Annabeth just rolled her eyes and Hermione laughed.
"Don't worry. I feel the same way with Ron and Harry."

Dinner was great and I was stuffed as we walked back to the Gryffindor house. We decided to sit in the common room for a little while longer Before bed.
Annabeth and I sat in the armchair again. We had basically claimed it, sort of like you sit at the same desk everyday in school, even though there are no assigned seats.

She rested her head on my chest and I wrapped  my arm around her. We made small talk but I wasn't really paying attention. I was focused on Annabeth's steady breathing, which told me that she had fallen asleep.
Other people were yawning so we decided to head to bed. I picked Annabeth up bridal style and carried her to our room. I could have sworn I heard an "aww" from someone behind me.
I opened the door quietly so it wouldn't creak and laid Annabeth down on the bed, then I got changed and brushed my teeth and climbed in next to her.
For once I sleepy peacefully.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2017 ⏰

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