Wattpad's Worth-Reading Stories

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Hello there Wattpad People!

I made this 'thing' to help those people who's looking for amazing stories here in wattpad. This book contains stories that I personally think is worth reading for. These stories made me feel  happy, angry, sad and a whole lot of emotions running through me at once.

The stories listed/will be listed here are the ones that made me think twice of sleeping. Like really, these stories made me stay up late because I can't literally stop reading. And I just LOVE their authors for bringing me in a world where characters are not just characters whose stuck in books but characters that feels like real people/creatures that might actually exist.

People call me weird because I love reading too much but I beg to disagree because I know I'm cool like that. I'm not stuck in my own world hence, I'm living in many. 

The stories listed here are not in rank of greatness or anything because I honestly think that they're all amazing. It also doesn't show the sequence of what story I read first or what story I read last. It's just all in random. I also took my time to make a cover for each of the stories here.

I dedicate this to all the people here in wattpad; writers, readers and even bypassers,


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