make ups and break ups

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so Kelly and DeeDee are having a conversation.


DeeDee: I need to talk to you

Kelly: I need to talk to you too. you go first!

DeeDee: well.... um i kinda have alot of feelings for you but you never seem to be intrestred in me so I tried to move on but icant mover on without knowing so.... Kelly Allen breeding do you have feelings for me

Kelly : * starts chuckleing* well I....

DeeDee: I knew you didn't like  me

Kelly: * trying to interrupt* um DeeDee

DeeDee : pls don't insult me I already feel embarrassed

Kelly: * still trying to get a word in* um deedee

DeeDee still talking  so Kelly grabbed DeeDee and kissed her to shut her up

Kelly: damn girl you talk to much  your right I don't like you I love you . I love you face . I love your body. I love your lips its so hard for me not to kiss them every time I see you. you couldn't understand how much it gets under my skin every time I see carnell kiss the lips that are suppose to be mine *kisses her again* I've been wanting to kiss you ever since we met  now can we please be together?

dee dee kisses kelly again carnell  came out the bathroom he was looking former but. couldn't find her he steps in the hallway and see her making out with Kelly

Carnell: *walks up to DeeDee and drag her arm *  TF is wrong with you hoe  I leave for 2 minutes and yo how ass start kissing my brother *looks at Kelly * bro I knew you like her but I like her as well and thou dogged me like that that f'd up .

DeeDee started to cry

Kelly: don't call her a how you knew she liked me and you played on her emotions when was at her lowest level you wanna talk about f'd that was fucked up but you know what they say alls fair and love and war and that's even when it comes to brothers.

Carnell walk away upset

Deedee  * genuinely concerned * is he gonna be all right ?

Kelly: look your my girl now you don't have to worry about him* starts smiling*

the next morning

Bryan POV

I wonder how mad Patrick would be if he found out that I was dating his ex?

I want to tell him but I don't know how he would react  I mean he said he happy he won have to be with her but I don't know but I wonder how mad he would be if he found Out that she  was pregnant and I might be the father . so he gonna be  mad  or nahh??........TO BE CONTINUED

[ update tomorrow afternoon]

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