The Concerto violinist

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Her dark wavy hair was in her eyes as she started her final concerto, the concerto that meant everything. Her mum was in the crowd. That meant something. The Spanish and French influences were seen all around the opera house. She almost wanted to look.. To see the wonders, but she knew she needed all her focus to be on the violin. Her eyes closed as if remembering a lovely childhood lullaby. Then her hands began to move, racing across the strings and swiping over them, the music rebounding perfectly with the acoustics of the opera house. Vibrating through her, pouring out her soul, a tale of heart break, new love, life, and- the walls shake around and her eyes open wide. The show must go on.. She remembered the last quote of her teacher.. " push on you can sleep when you are dead". Only two more notes... As she raised her bow one last time, only to be stopped short. One of the steel columns was falling on top of her breaking her bowing arm and crushing her, that was the last she had felt, now the crowd had tears in their eyes, and this time it wasn't because of the music. Her mother cried most of all... But she did not know that her daughter was still essentially in the room. She had unfinished buisness... She was going to finish that concerto!... For the show must go on!, and she certainly was not going to rest, not when she was this close.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2014 ⏰

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