Prologue 0.6

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The room had been wrecked. No less than ten minutes had gone by after Alex destroyed the statue did Charles, Erik and Moira MacTaggert come and stop their little party.

Now they were in a completely new room, identical to the last while the trio went to Russia to peruse Shaw. Dannielle had fallen asleep almost ten minutes ago. Her head leaned against Raven while she calmly had the rest of her small body curled into a ball.

A pair of agents walked up to the glass screen and in an attempt to offend them, imitated Angel and continued to call them names until hank stood and closed the curtain before returning to his seat. Angel set her cup down with force, her gaze glued to the marble table as hank took his seat with a sigh.

"They're just guys being stupid." Raven commented, trying to reassure Angel, who'd turned to look at her.

"Guys being stupid I can handle. Okay? I've handled that my whole life. But I'd rather a bunch of guys stare at me with my clothes off than the way these ones stare at me." Raven was silent, her gaze moved down to Danielle as she moved a strand of the dark hair from her face.

"At us."

"She doesn't deserve to grow up like this. Surrounded by people who'll hate her for being different." Angel said. She also had moved her gaze down to the sleeping girl.

"From what Charles told me, she had it worse off before she came here." Angel didn't reply, deciding that it was best to stay silent. The silence didn't last long though. It almost sounded like a 'pop' over and over and before long, Darwin and Alex also heard it.

"What was that?" Once again the pop echoed through the small room but no one moved, not until it stopped.

"I don't know, something doesn't feel right." Darwin answered his own question, moving over to the window as the popping began seconds after it stopped. Alex also moved as did the rest of them, Raven gently moved Dannielle so her was lying down on the couch. When she joined the others, Darwin pulled the curtain open. Nothing seemed out of place and once again, the popping had momentarily stopped, leaving nothing but an eerie silence in its wake. The sight of two figures miles above the group caught their attention.

"What is that?" Once again it was Darwin asking the questions, only no one had time to answer it as a body hit the ground in front of them. A scream erupted from Raven as the group jumped back, the scream waking Dannielle. She jolted awake and quickly sat up. The first thing she saw a body land atop a glass roofing in the small quad, the limbs of the man bending it impossible ways as the glass shattered and fell to the floor.

The group seemed to have forgotten about the little, wide eyed girl and they moved further and further away from the window. Men with guns ran into the quad, stationing themselves around the glassed entrance. One banged his hand against the glass and signalled for them to move back. Out of no where a man with red skin appeared, causing them to point at him and yell at the man to turn but as they began to shoot at him, he disappeared in a cloud of smoke. Dannielle watched in fear as the other ran for cover behind the couch opposite to her. Tear began to fall from her eyes as she watched the red man appear next to an agent and point his gun at the glass, effectively shattering it and killing two other in the process.

She let out a cry and held her hands in front of her face, she was terrified and amongst all the chaos, the bashful winds from the other side grasped her attention. A tornado. It had destroyed everything on the outside of that facility. So much was happening yet all Dannielle could do was sit their, frozen with fear as tears continued to fall from her blue eyes.

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