Chapter 9.- The Waiting Game

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  • Dedicated to My mom and the rest of my family, but especially my mom

Um...... so I am not very happy nobody has voted for this story at all. :(

Please vote, it means a lot to me.

I want to know what people think of my story whether they like it or not.

If you don't like it, then at least let me know what it is that makes you not like it.

Thanks, anyway. I hope you guys comment on this one.


On a happier note I have been able to write a whole bunch more chapters lately. So I will hopefully be able to upload more frequently. :)

Anyway... thanks to all those who are supporting me. -wordareriddles

"Waiting separates the men from the children." -unknown

My Redemption, Chapter 9. The Waiting Game, Dukes POV

We knew that by now the King of Inish had received word of Shubiks capture. Any day now we are expecting a rescue party to arrive. 

They won't know it, but we are waiting, the second they show their puny faces our plan will be set into motion and the Inish will fall right into our trap.

They will be right where we want them! We don't have to go looking for them, they come looking for us. 

It has been nine long months since our battle in the woods. Nine months for us to prepare and plot and scheme. We had time to plan and re-plan, everything should be foolproof by now, we should be perfect. 

 Along with being able to plan longer, we have also have time to rest, they have been nine months of almost-peace. 

I repeat almost-peace,

We are still at war.

Son, war is an exciting but pretentious thing. It comes and goes, and changes as often as the seasons. It can wreck or repair, cause grief or great joy. 

While some fellows would say that the war ruined their complexion and build, I think that war  greatly improved mine. I developed a quite muscular build from all the training, running, and fighting. 

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