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- A/N this is really short and it has a lot of punctuation errors!!!


*Chris's P.O.V*

"We live in a generation of not being in love and not being together,but we sure make it feel like we're together cause we're scared to see eachother with somebody else."


"Yes Alayna?"

"Do you love me?" She asked even though I'm sure she knew the answer.

"Of course I love you Alayna."

"I love you too. That's why I can't be with you anymore, I keep hurting you. And that's unfair because you've been nothing but amazing to me."

"Are we breaking up?" I asked quietly. She sighed and I knew what was coming next.

"Just until you get back. I don't deserve you Chris."

"Alayna I don't care--"

"Goodbye Chris, I love you. This is the best thing for the both of us right now."


I stared at my phone for a long while before finally hit me. We had just broken up, Alayna and I had just broken up. This is insane.

Why would she say she loves me and then break up with me? I bet it has something to do with that Taylor kid, does she have some type of feelings for him? When I was done thinking and about to lay down my phone started to ring.


"H..Hello Chris." My mother's voice came through the phone. She sounded like she'd been crying.

"Mom what's wrong?"

"Y...you're grandmother is d..d..dead."


My heart just dropped.

"When and where is the funeral?"

"The funeral is next week, we're moving back to L.A. I thought that maybe Alayna would like to see her one last time."

"Oh." Was all I could say.

"I'll see you later sweetheart, be strong."


Everyone is leaving me all of a sudden, what kind if sick joke was life playing on me?

And on top of this death, I have to go deal with Alayna and Jessica. When did my life become so complicated?


*Jessica's P.O.V*

So I lied to my brother about why I was crying, it was definitely for the best. I didn't wanna ruin things for Chris and Alayna, what kind of friend would I be to almost ruin their relationship again? Last time I interfered in their relationship, Chris......let's not talk about that.


*Taylor's P.O.V*

Okay so I almost got my head ripped off in that house. Note to self- Never be Jess's messenger.Maybe this Chris guy isn't so bad, he cant be. Then again, Jess didn't look entirely honest when she was telling me what happened. Or its just my imagination, yeah that has to be it because Jess wouldn't lie to me.

Would she?


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