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Giggling could be heard from the third dorm down on the girl's side. If you happened to walk by the door, you might hear multiple girls whispering and laughing loudly. Or...

"I am not doing that!" A girl with an obnoxiously high pitched voice and obviously dyed blonde hair squealed, hitting a girl with black hair with a pillow.

"Rachel!" The girl with the black hair giggled. "It's truth or dare! You have t-" the girl cut herself off, and the both of them looked over to the wall of the room.

In the corner of the room by the window, there was a bed with a multi-colored tye-dye blanket with candies on it. Beside the bed, a Girl with Bright pink hair was writing something down, a lollipop hanging out of her mouth.

"Summer! Play with us!" The two girls said together.

The candy girl looked up for a split second, raised an eyebrow humorously, before looking back down at her paper. "No. I have to get the essay done."

"You're so boring."

"I am not boring!" The candy girl said, Gaping at the blonde.

"Are too!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Am not!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

The blonde smirked. "Glad we're on the same page."

"You want me to play? Fine, I'll bloody play." The candy girl sighed angrily, sitting down beside them.

"Okay, Summer. Truth or dare."


The girl with black hair grinned after a moment of thinking. "I dare you to Write a letter to Harry Potter."

"The Harry Potter?!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2017 ⏰

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