Acts of Kindess

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Sonny's Point of View

"Mom! I'm home," I closed the door of my Los Angeles apartment with a smile and waited for my mom's response. It never came. "Mom?"
Where was she?

I put my purse down on the green couch in our living room and headed to the kitchen. I was hungry! The last time I ate anything was 3:30, it was 8:30 now. Usually, I'd be home by 7:40 but Tawni threw a huge diva fit on set which took away a lot of rehearsal time.

I looked at the fridge. There was a neon green note attached to it that wasn't always there. I picked it up and read it. The note read:

Dear Sonny,
As you know, I got fired a couple of days ago for not working enough hours. The company said they would re-hire me, if I was willing to do the night-shift. So, now I work from 5:15AM-12PM and 7PM-12AM on weekdays and Saturday. On Sunday, I work from 6AM-11AM. Also, they lowered my salary and said they would increase it, if I stayed with my schedule for a month. They say best for last but this really isn't. I'm very sorry to do this but I took out all of the money on your Condor Studios lunch card. You will have to pack lunch now. Don't forget, I love you.

I pulled last night's pasta out of the fridge and heated it up.

I am so glad my mom got her job back but I don't like her hours. I also don't like how her bosses, knowing fully well that she's a great advertising clerk, started her from the bottom. That doesn't seem right.

I'm okay with my mom taking all of the money out of my lunch card but it will suck on Meatball Monday. Most of my money from working on So Random, goes to paying the bills and taxes but I always have a few dollars left. I could spend that on food and presents for other people. Oh my gosh, was I semi-thinking like an adult? Woah!

I ate the last of the yummy pasta. I walked over to the sink, washed the plate and headed my bedroom to asleep.


"AND SCENE! Lunchtime. Great job on that sketch, Nico and Grady!" Marshall Pike, So Random's, director and executive producer, said with a grin.

"Thank you Marshall!" Grady Mitchell, an optimistic, sensitive member of the So Random said smiling.

"Thanks Marshall." Nico Harris, the 'ladies-man' and most suave cast member of So Random said.

"Your welcome, boys." Marshall replied.

My cast-mates and I headed to lunch.

"Why didn't he give me a compliment?" Tawni Hart, the diva who actually was really nice and the first person who joined the So Random cast, pouted.

"You weren't in that sketch." Zora Lancaster, the youngest and zaniest cast member of So Random replied.

The five of us walked into the commissary.

Oh no! I forgot my lunch at home. Great. My home was twenty-five minutes away and lunch only lasted fifty minutes that meant I couldn't get it from home. I thought of other food options. All of the vending machines were taken out. There weren't any good food places two or three minutes away from Condor Studios. Also, I spent all of my money on Marshall's birthday present. I checked my purse for food but found nothing. That's unusual. I looked at my cast. They had already finished their lunches. How?

"See ya, Sonny."

"Bye, Sonny!"


"Bye, guys." I said. I decided to sit here and take in the aroma of all of the food in the commissary.

"Hi." A girl who barely looked six said.

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