To Infinium And Beyond!

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 It was June 2016,and a young man named Ravio was looking for an online environment where he can talk and chat with people who are looking to grow as an online streamer. While he was looking around Twitch and trying to recruit members for his group, he spotted a stream with a girl who had no viewers. She had long hair and a very cute laugh. The girl's name was Lucia, she was playing "Neopets" at the time. Ravio finally typed "Hey! I remember that game. If you want to take careof my dying pets I will give you any of them." Lucia was smiling and saying how grateful she is on how someone was actually viewing her play and chatted with her. Ravio explained that his goal is tohelp streamers network each other which will help each other grow one by one while gaining a relationship with the group. Lucia thought it was a great idea and decided to stay with Ravio to help create this streaming community. As they started to build this community, they talked more and more eventually to the point where the day is a totally different day if they haven't talked at all that day. They  spent hours at end working hard and finding people to join this community.

 Along the way they found a streamer that thigh slaps, a girl that loves to consume food, a bunch of musically and artistically talented people, and of course gamers. One day, Lucia asked Ravio if it is possible if they can ever meet in person since she felt that they were destined to meet one day. Ravio told Lucia that of course, he will be there when ever she was ready to meet and always wanted to ask her to meet, but explained he couldn't find the perfect time. She confessed to him that she has been longing for them to see each other face to face and how she always wondered and hoped she can finally have a hug from him. Ravio with a smile told Lucia that he will make the effort to be there within the next month. The next day, Ravio was working and was washing glasses behind the bar where he owns and works at and heard a voice that so angelic to his ears that he stopped and dropped the glass he was holding making it shatter while it hit the ground.

 The female was asking if she can give her a glass of water because she was thirsty. Ravio turned around . There she was. Lucia was sitting there with teary eyes.Ravio did nothing but had to run over and hug her. They ended up hugging for 10 seconds without saying a word with just tears running down their face. Ravio and Lucia then both whipped each others' tears off their face while they giggled. Ravio asked Lucia , why did she come all the way to meet him if she already knew that Ravio would tryto visit her next month. Lucia explained that every day not being able to be with him in person will break a piece of her heart. Raviot hen had to give Lucia a big hug. Ravio asked Lucia where she was going to say, and she said that she was going to set up an AIRBNB. Ravio told Lucia that he has a spare bed room she can stay in with an extra computer, so they can keep working on the community. 

Ravio took Lucia to his place and dropped her off and got her situated and explained to her that since he is an owner that he had to go back and work and close , but will be right home after. While Ravio was at work, Lucia felt that she should do something special and ended up cooking dinner for the both of them. Ravio came home with an amazing aroma filling up the air while he walked in. Lucia and Ravio atetheir dinner while they talked about future plans with the streaming community. After they finished eating , Ravio offered to wash the dishes since Lucia was the one that cooked the dinner. Lucia then went off to the room she was staying in and was hoping that Ravio would call her name or come in the room, so they can talk more. 

After Ravio finished washing the dishes, he went into his room and was planning on what the next move should be. He freshened himself up and decided to place two beanbag chairs in the living room and warmed up some popcorn . Ravio went into Lucia's room where he accidentally forgot to knock and caught her turned around changing into her pajamas. Ravio closed the door at lightning speed while he was repeatedly saying sorry over and over again. Lucia was blushing and smiling and told Ravio that it was fine and that she will be out after she finished changing. Ravio was currently sitting in a beanbag chair while he was rocking back and forth in a NotLikeThis pose.Lucia hugged Ravio and laughed saying that everything is fine, and then she went over to the empty beanbag chair. They spent the night watching streamers from the community and laughing and enjoying everyone's vibe and talent. Lucia then saw Ravio staring andimmersed into streams and just had to stare at him and smile. She then wanted to catch his attention, so she started throwing pieces at popcorn at him. Ravio turned facing Lucia while he smiled and laughed, while throwing pieces of popcorn back. They spent a few minutes laughing and throwing popcorn at each other until there was no popcorn left in the bowl. Ravio and Lucia both were starting to gettired and decided to clean up the mess. Lucia was trying to pick up one of the pieces of popcorn, but then losing her balance and stumbling and falling onto Ravio . Ravio wrapped his arms around Lucia while they lay on a beanbag staring at each others' eyes. Theyslowly inch by inch got closer and closed their eyes. While they had their first soft passionate kiss with each other. The kissed lasted awhole minute before Lucia got up and smiled at Ravio and telling her thank you for the best day of her life so far , while she also said goodnight. Ravio said goodnight back and with a big grin on his face,he cleaned up the mess before he went to bed. 

The next morning, Ravio went to check on Lucia before he headed off to work. Lucia opened the door the moment before Ravio was about to knock . She had her bag in her hand and asked Ravio if he can drop her off at the airport beforehe headed off to work. The car ride to the airport was full of silence . Lucia was looking at Ravio while he drives, but then turns her head back out her passenger side window when she thinks Ravio is about to face her. They arrived at the airport and Ravio asked if last night was the reason she is leaving to go home. Lucia smiled and hugged Ravio while kissing him on the cheek and then stepped back .She said she was very happy about everything that happened yesterday and how yesterday was the best day she ever had. She explained that she has to go home and take care of her mother since she is still looking for a kidney for a kidney transplant. Ravio hugs Lucia and promises her that he will still keep his promise and to there within the next month.

 A few weeks has passed after Lucia returned home,Raivo and Lucia spent their time talking to each other like they did before they met. Then, a week went by and Lucia hasn't heard a word by Ravio and was worried that he was falling out of love with her.

 Lucia got a call that her mother finally has someone who matches and will be able to donate a kidney to her. Lucia took her mother checked her mother into the hospital and the kidney transplant was successful. Lucia asked the doctor who donated her mom the kidney,and the doctor gave her a note that was from the donor. The doctor explained the donor has died from an undetected heart problem and that the note found in his pocket was addressed to Lucia. The note read:

" Dear Lucia,

Thank you for making me the happiest guy ever. That day we finally met in person keeps replaying in my head over and over again. The community we built together felt like they are our kids and we made a family become whole and able to watch our children grow and become successful. I know letting you go on that flight back home was the best decision since you are selfless and take care of your mother. I am grateful that you spent the time and made the effort in finding someone to take care of your mother while you are here to come visit me. I should have been the one to come and visit you instead. I hope I was able to make your mind feel at ease here during your difficult time you are currently facing. I did some research and found out I am a perfect match and able to be a donor to your mother. While I donate my kidney to her you can think of it as me always being there with you while you take care of her until she recovers completely . After she recovers, you and I will have ample amount of time to visit each other. Thank you again so much for being there for me and always being there when times are rough and need someone to talk to lift me up or to just make me smile even more. Talking to you will always be my favorite part of the day.Don't worry, we will be spending the rest of our lives together soon while we make our community grow! I had to write this letter, so Ican read this to you in person when I come visit so I won't forget what I will say.



No matter how far apart we are, I will love you to INFINIUM and beyond!

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2018 ⏰

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