18//Prince of Wolves

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Prince of Wolves

By: @simplicitystars

** B E I N G   U P D A T E D ** 

To love a beast is to love the flaws stitching your heart together.

Tristan Mullen is the most eligible bachelor in his small town. He has everything his heart desires, wealth from his parents, women at the edge of his feet. Though, none of it satisfies the empty void lingering in the deepest parts of his hollow heart.

Tristan was never a knight in shining armor, but a bully, self-centered, and shrouded by darkness, desperately seeking his parent's attention. But he tormented the wrong girl. One dark stormy night she curses him to the moon. Disappearing mysteriously after their final encounter. That night, she changes him into a deadly monster humans fear to face.

A werewolf.

Years have passed by, and Tristan's has become accustomed to the moon tormenting him when it peaks over the horizon, burning behind shallow clouds. Until he stumbles across Hayden Bell. A benevolent shy woman trapped in an abusive relationship. His curiosity grows for her with each encounter, making him crave more.

But his infatuation comes with a price. Not only does he risk exposing his deadly secret, but also puts Hayden in grave danger from her abusive boyfriend, and the werewolf.


This book is not completed at the moment, but the 36 chapters that I have read are amazingly well written. No wonder the author got first place on the brigade choice watty awards in werewolf. It is a unique story, but when was unique ever bad?

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