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"Zayn! You ready yet?" Niall called from his bedroom.

"Why are you always rushing me?" I groaned as I buttoned up my black shirt.

"It's my birthday," Niall sassed as he leaned against the doorway. "I can do whatever I want."

"Gah!" I shrieked in fear, not expecting Niall to be there. "You little shit! Don't do that."

"Aw, did I scare my little baby?" Niall giggled as he walked over to me and pinched my cheeks.

"Quit it," I sternly said as I slapped his hand away.

"Jeez, someone's a bit feisty."

I softly punched Niall's cheek jokingly, then an evil smirk appeared on my face. "Have you gotten your birthday punches yet?"

Niall's eyes widened in terror. "Zayn, no." I picked up both my fists, but right before they could even make contact with Niall, he began to run away, screaming.

I chuckled as I turned to the mirror and went back to fixing my hair. I grabbed a black blazer from its hanger in my closet and my car keys from my side table, yelling, "Niall! I won't hurt you, I promise! Let's go now!"

I ambled over to Niall, who was sitting on one of the chairs at the island in the kitchen, scrolling through Instagram on his phone. He got up from the high chair and took my keys from me. "I'm driving tonight."

I snatched them right back. "Oh no you're not."

Niall clasped his hands together and brought them to my face. "Please, Zayn! It's my birthday! I just wanna drive your car this one time! I promise I won't ask again!"

"Fine," I responded, throwing my keys in his hands and sighing in defeat. "But only because it's your birthday."

Niall wrapped his arms around my neck. "Thanks, Zaynie!"

"Call me that one more time and you don't even get to go near my car!"

"Okay, okay, I won't call you that again!"

As we walked to my car, I couldn't stop thinking about how this moment would be if Niall didn't like Harry: I would take Niall out to dinner, then take him for a night stroll, then tell him how I feel. I would say, "Niall, I have liked you ever since I laid my eyes on you. You're on my mind 24/7, and I cannot count the number of dreams I've had about you. I have never wanted to be with someone so much and for so long. Please, Niall, please tell me you feel the same." And he would grab my hands and tell me he's been waiting for me to say those words to him all this time, and we kiss into the starlit night.

But of course that can't happen with Harry now in the picture. At least he hasn't ruined all of my chances with Niall. I mean, I know Harry and I know that Harry would never be with a guy like Niall. And as for Niall, he has to get over Harry someday, and that day will be the day that I win Niall's heart.

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