Good morning, sunshine

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The sun was sneaking in through the windows in the flat 221b. Mrs. Hudson came hurrying up the stairs, carrying some day old coffee cups. She went in to do the dishes along with the cups, but stopped at the sight in front off her. Instead of seeing Sherlock and John running around, working on the case, she found them curled up together in a chair - sleeping. Over the night John has crawled over from the armrest into the actual chair and their fingers was intertwined. Mrs. Hudson gaped at the sight for a while before she turned around, going downstairs to give them some privacy. The smile plastered across her face was wider than normal, and with Mrs. Hudson that says a lot. The clock ticked by and the boys kept sleeping. This case had tired them out and now that they were finally asleep they would stay like that for a while. Though, in the end, they did wake up. John woke first, and for a while he was quite disorientated. Then he realized he was holding Sherlock's hand, curled up at his side, and his eyes widened. Careful not to wake Sherlock, John pulled his hand away and got up, out off the chair. Before heading over to the kitchen he took one last look at Sherlock. It was fascinating watching him sleep, all the furrows and concentrating long gone, while he laid there peaceful for once. John then turned around on his heel and headed into the kitchen, making them both some tea. Only minutes later Sherlock's eyelids flew open too, and he yawned loudly. "Good morning, sunshine," John said when Sherlock got out off the chair to go fetch his tea. It was sarcastically meant, but John got a weird feeling saying it and made a mental note not to do it again.
"Where did you sleep last night?" Asked Sherlock taking a sip off his tea. "What?" John said feeling a bit caught off guard. Deep down he knew Sherlock probably knew, he was a consulting detective after all, but he couldn't make himself say it. "I slept in the other chair. It got a bit too late."
Sherlock nodded and finished his tea. The minute he sat his cup down, he jumped up and looked at John, exclaiming, "We've got work to do!"
John sighed when Sherlock went back to reading the diaries. In day time it was much easier, so he left Sherlock to the diaries while he got them some breakfast from the restaurant bellow. When John walked up the old stairs, he could hear Sherlock smacking a book shut, and then the other man came rushing past him. John turned around yelling, "What about breakfast?!"
"Screw breakfast, John, I've got it! I've got it!"
John planned on being mad, but Sherlock's last words caught his interest and before he knew it, the sandwiches laid scrunched in the stairs and John was speeding after Sherlock.

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