Tagged by @TeKawaii

340 16 18

Honestly, I will post the video of me dancing on YouTube. It's more your loss than mine, cuz my own cringe doesn't affect me.

YouTube: Your Average Potato

Anyway, I was tagged by TeKawaii

Here goes thirteen (reasons why ) facts about me:

1. I started watching Assassination Classroom and I recently finished it

2. I'm aspiring to be an author or actress one day

3. I call myself a potato because some stupid nickname I came up with for me

4. I'm a huge grammar nazi

5. I'm dead inside

6. I play a game with my friends in school where we run around and try to pat each other on the head

7. I like drawing even though I suck at it

8. I love YouTube and just got a channel

9. There is quite a bit of emo inside me

10. Singing is not my strong suit

11. Matthias and Markiplier and Matpat are just a few of my favorite YouTubers

12. I'm running out of facts

13. I just finished 13 Reasons Why and cried 

IS EVERYONE HAPPY? Ok, so here's who I am tagging:






I only did 5 but who cares. So yay, I did it.

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