KH Fanatic

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The article this month is about Cloud Strife!

Yes, he may not be originally from Kingdom Hearts, but, hey, he's in it so why not talk about him?

Cloud Strife, carrier of a giant sword and most likely originator and inspiration for the spiky and gravity defying hair we see throughout the series of Kingdom Hearts, but I love the hair. I mean who doesn't?

Cloud has had two different outfits throughout the two times he's been in Kingdom Hearts. He had the outfit with the red scarf on and a devil-looking wing on his back in the first game, and he made his return in the second game with a whole new outfit that did not involve a scarf. . . .

The sadness I felt when I saw him with no scarf but the happiness I felt when I saw him wearing black and looking all hi-def, I could actually see his beautiful eyes instead of it looking all pixelated, and what's not to love about him he's strong as heck and he is quiet and mysterious. Who doesn't like quiet and mysterious? I definitely do!

Anyways, that does it for my article this month. This is bladequeen1 wishing you a good day and or night.

Kingdom Hearts Magazine Issue #10Where stories live. Discover now