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Ashton's POV

"Ashton wake your ass up! If your late to school I swear you will never hear the end of it!" My mother shouted from outside my door. I groaned but lifted myself out of bed anyway. I rubbed my eyes and yawned heading for my bathroom. I splash some water on my face and look in the mirror. I flinch when I realize how awful I actually look. My hair is all over the place and there is a dried drool trail on my cheek. I use some more water to wash the drool off and grab some gel and quickly style my hair. I blow a kiss and wink at myself because let's face it, I'm looking hot today.
"Having fun?" Amelia chuckles
"Shut up." I mutter while flipping her the bird.
"I would watch what I say if I were you. You know as well as I do that I could burn all the hair off your body if I really wanted to." She laughs. I look at her in horror and give a slight nod. "Being a dragon has it's perks." She smiles
"It's not my fault I was born a rider." I mutter

"Well you will find your dragon soon enough. Our birthday is tomorrow! When you find your dragon I'll find my rider! I know your excited, you may act like you don't care but you can't wait to find him!" She smiles

"Why are you so hell bent on my dragon being a guy?" I ask, not frustrated but curious.
"I don't know Ashton. I just know he will be a guy. Maybe it's a twin thing. Who do you feel like my rider will be" she asks.
"Actually, I feel your rider will be a girl." I smile. I know what she means now. I feel it in my gut. Who ever she ends up with my sister needs a lot of patience. I guess most dragons are free spirits any way.
You may be confused here so let me fill you in. In this world you are either a dragon or a rider, your parents are a pair of one each so you have a 50/50 chance of becoming either. On your 18th birthday you find your other half. Your mate I guess you could call it. And depending on what you are, your mates species differs. Since I'm a rider my mate will be a dragon shifter. And since my twin sister, Amelia, is a dragon shifter her mate will be a rider. Finding your mate is basically the highlight of your life. You are literally finding your missing piece. As a rider you find special abilities in your shifter that they can't unlock without you and as a dragon you make a connection with your rider that they could never find anywhere else. My mother and father for example, my mother is a rider while my father is a shifter. She helped him unlock the ability to breath both fire and ice.
Anywho back to the present.
Amelia smiles and walks into my closet. She pulls out some jeans and a band tee. She tosses them to me.
"Get your ass dressed while I get ready so we can go!" She says while shutting my door heading to her room. I throw on my cloths and check myself out I the mirror again before swiftly heading out. I run down the stairs and sit at the table.
"Morning sweetheart!" My mom beams while handing me my plate. I smile and dig in. Moments later Amelia comes down the stairs.
"Mornin mama!" She chirps and gives her a kiss on the cheek. Her long white hair is pulled up in a messy bun and she is in skinnies with a flowy floral top and black flats. She grabs a banana for breakfast and plops down in the chair next to mine.
"How does that hold you over?" I ask while looking from her banana to my plate piled with bacon,eggs, and pancakes.
"Unlike you, I didn't I didn't get momma's fast metabolism so this is gonna have to hold me over if I want to keep my figure. I need to make my rider proud to have me as a mate." Amelia retorts snarkily while eyeing my plate with clear want in her eyes.
"Amelia you look perfect now and any rider would be lucky to have you!" I hand her a piece of bacon and she sighs but smiles gratefully and takes it anyway. My sister may be a pain in the ass but I still love her none the less.
"Okay guys! Your gonna be late! Out! Out! Out!" Our mother shouts while throwing one of her sandals at each of us.
"Love you momma." We shout in unison as we snatch our bags and head out the door.
"Hey Amelia, your septum ring is crooked and the ball on your nose ring is showing." I tell her and she smiles as she fixes them.
Hey guys! How are y'all? Let me know what you like and what I should change! After 5 or so votes and a comment or two I think I'll add the second chapter! I know it's annoying but I don't want to update it if nobody is gonna read it ya know. Anywho love y'all and chow for now! Gosh that sounded weird.

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