DOING A TAG?1!?1!?1! GONE WRONG! GONE VIOLENT? (not (not) clickbait) (storytime)

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  Have fun with that title.

Anyways, yeah, you guys probably know that I don't like doing tags, but -north_storm- is pretty chill so y'know, why not? 

1.  I actually write.

I know, I know, shocking right?  In reality I DO actually write though, I just don't like putting it out for everyone to see, catch my drift?

2.  Youtube has officially replaced my obsession with Warriors.

YEP IT'S OFFICIAL.  I even ordered a Markiplier Charity Stream hoodie thing.  It cost like five million dollars (and half my soul) but anything for charity amirite.

3.  I like a diverse amount of music TELL ME WHAT YOU LIKE AND I'LL PROBABLY LIKE THAT GENRE TOO.

I'm not even kidding, it's like my playlist is by five different people.

4.  I like to draw on my arm a lot.

So yeah, totally useful fact right there.

5.  I'm Tyler, and I have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis.

If you get that yes I will love you.


Yeah, I tag Brambleclaw4Ever because I know he really hates tags. 

I also tag realDonaldTrump because yeah just keep that name please.

Kill me :D

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