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My favorite character up there 😁

Rylee POV

  I woke up the next morning wrapped up in my baby's arms. Although that wasn't the way I planned on giving up my virginity, I'm kinda glad it happened. I think I may have overdid it though because this pain is unbearable right now. I need an Epson salt bath. "Good morning baby." Justen said as he kissed my neck. How did he even know I was up? It's not like I moved or anything. I guess its a boyfriend thing. "Good morning big head." I said smiling. Good thing he can't see me right now. That would be too damn embarrassing.  "How'd you sleep?" he asked already knowing the damn answer to that question. 

  "Good." I answered trying my hardest to conceal the pain on my face. Please don't tell me to turn over. Please don't. "Let me see your face baby. Turn around." he said as I mentally cursed. Why does the universe hate me so much. I slowly turned around, trying so hard not to flop on or near my ass. Shit was tender as hell yo. "You look so damn good yo." he said smiling at me. I noticed that he winced a little. It's from the brightness of the sun. I know I'm not that ugly, at least I hope I'm not. "You left your group unattended yesterday." I said smiling at him. "Man fuck this camp. Shit was annoying but someone made it better." he said kissing my face. Whew thank the Lord. "I can't believe you gave your virginity to me Lee. I'm honored as hell to be your first." he said as I smiled at him. 

  "Although the conditions weren't favorable, I'm glad I did." I said as I kissed him. "You're officially all mine. This is all mine." he said as he pulled me closer to him and the grabbing my ass. "Ouch! Shit!" I yelled as the pain seared through my body. "I-I-I-I-I-I-I think we may have over done it a bit. Damn." I said as I tried my best to overcome the pain. "My bad baby we should've went a little easier. My bad bae." he said giving me a childish ass smile. I hugged him. "It's cool." "Fuck." I heard him mumble as tried to kiss my neck. I noticed that his shirt had patched of red on it. I lifted it up and saw all the scratches I left, I fucked him up. "Shit hurts like a bitch." he said as he never moved his head. "Do you have some Epson salt?" I asked him. "Yeas I always have about at least 4 of them stocked in the bathroom.

  "How about we take an Epson salt bath? Separately of course." I said as I felt him nod his head. "That sounds good. We both need it". Shit, I need it more. I could dose his back in peroxide or alcohol and call it a day. My ass feel like someone has it over a fire. "OK babe. Luckily, I have two bathtubs. You take the one upstairs and I'll take the one downstairs." he said as I nodded my head. "Then you go and get ready for camp. You still have campers to counsel. They didn't do anything to you." I said as he looked at me in disbelief before actually thinking about what I sad. "OK. You're right but the day is going to be boring seeing as though my favorite camper won't be there." he said as he cuddled closer to me. "I'm in no condition to walk. Hell I can barely walk." I groaned. "I'm spoiled. I like being here with you but I'm going. Let me run your water first." he said as he unwrapped his arms from my body and got up.

  "Shit hurts and it doesn't make it any better that my shirt is rubbing against it. It was worth it though." he said as he walked into the bathroom. I was left alone to my thoughts, which was fine by me. If Justen fucks up, I swear on god, I'm going to make his life a living hell. An image of the girl from the woods flashed in front of my face. I instantly shuddered at the sight. I still can't help but wonder who could do such a thing to her. As selfish as this may sound, I really hope that's the last of the deaths here. "Babe your water is ready. Come on let's go." Justen said coming back to the room to my side of bed and picking me up. Once we got in the bathroom, he left me on the edge of the tub and went to take his bath. I sat on the edge of the tub and began to undress. "Ah." I said as I slid in the tub. This water feels so good. 

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