Twin Princes

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Flashback: March 26th The Palace

Adam POV
I'm currently pregnant with mine and Sauli twin baby boys and I'm so happy to have twin boys and I can't wait to meet them and Sauli and I will called them Carson and Cameron Lambert Koskinen.

So after taking a stroll around his garden with Sauli Adam felt a sharp pain and he gasped loudly saying " Sauli the babies want to come out and please help me into the palace please", Sauli was so excited to finally become a father and so he carefully help Adam back into the palace and he yelled Monet to come and help.

After cleaning up the kitchen Monet came running out into the throne and she grinned as she took Adam by his hands and led him into the bedroom where all of the nurses were waiting and she carefully laid Adam down on the bed and put special herbs on his head and she said " Okay sweetie I need you to push as hard as you can okay sweet boy". Meanwhile Sauli was holding onto to Adam hands saying " You're so sexy when you're giving birth", Adam glared at Sauli saying " I HATE YOU SO VERY MUCH FOR DOING THIS TO ME SAULI". Sauli laughed softly saying " Love you Addy".

Monet said " Okay sweetie give me one last big push because I see baby number one". Adam began screaming outta pain as he began to push extremely hard and baby number one came out. One of the nurse took baby number one and clean him off and gave him to the other nurse. Adam sighed heavily and he began pushing out baby number two.

After both twin babies were all clean and wrapped in their blankets and hats both Adam and Sauli were so extremely happy and they began cooing at their sons.

After both twin babies were all clean and wrapped in their blankets and hats both Adam and Sauli were so extremely happy and they began cooing at their sons

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This is Carson and Cameron Lambert Koskinen and aren't they just the cutest twin ever.

Carson and Cameron were giggling when their dad Sauli began making funny faces saying " You two are so extremely cute and handsome", Adam was smiling proudly at his families and he laughed watching Sauli played with their twin sons and he fell asleep peacefully.

Awwwwww Sauli was actually a very kindhearted sweet person before he became evil and cruel and Sauli really did love Adam back than and I wonder why and how he became evil and I need ideas

Aren't Carson and Cameron handsome little babies

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