Prologue 0.2

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NOTE: you can skip the prologue if you want, it isn't majorly important, it's just about how Dannielle Spencer met Charles and Erik and her relationships with the other mutants.

"She can't stay here Jacob."
"Where will she go Mary? She's only a child!"
"To an orphanage or someplace else! The carers at the kindergarten say she won't listen to them nor will she socialise with the other children! Dannielle just sits by herself all day yet she causes so much catastrophe! There's something wrong with her Jacob, I won't have her living under our roof any longer."
A set of stairs up and two doors down to the left was where the little girl sat on the floor against her bedroom door. She could hear the whole argument. Her mother, Mary, hardly cared if the young girl heard them bicker, far less than her father at least.

Dannielle always had been smarter than those that were her age but she was less social, only ever opening her mouth when needed yet she still managed to cop the blame every time something went wrong. Not only was Dannielle smarter, but she was different. It was a force she couldn't control. Sometimes it was voices she heard when lips weren't moving, sometimes when something was too far from her reach it would swiftly float to her, sometimes objects would disappear or reappear when she wished them to. This wasn't the case all the time though, half of the time it didn't affect her at all and she could do things as normally as she would being the strange child everyone thought she was.
"We can't just send her away Mary! Dannie is six years old!" Jacob had lost the quietness to his voice, he couldn't let his wife just give up his daughter because she was different. Dannielle was his little girl no matter what people thought of her.

The loud thump of someone knocking on the front door was enough to silence the pair. It was loud enough for Dannielle to hear from her room. Quickly she scrambled to her feet and opened her door. It only took a mere ten seconds for her to reach the third last step on the staircase before she stopped. The caution that flickered through her was always outweighed by her curiosity yet as the slender figure accompanied by the clicks of a pair of heels rushed passed her to the door Dannielle knew she was to keep her distance.

When Jacob turned the corner  to greet whoever was at the door, he stopped when his eyes fell on the small girl standing on the staircase. She held a small teddy bear in her left hand while her right rested on the railing. He smiled down to Dannielle and held out his hand. In an instant Dannielle was holding her father's colossal hand, walking at his side to the front door where her mother stood.

Two men caught her eye at the door. Both were youthful with dark hair only one looked more stern then his companion. When the kinder looking man's eye caught hers, he smiled at the child, watching as she his herself behind her father's legs as they approached. Mary turned to look at her husband with a blank stare, not bothering to look down at the child she used to call her little girl.
"Honey, this is Charles Xavier and Erik Lensherr. They have come to take Dannielle away to a research facility." The coldness that accompanied the words caused Dannielle to look up at her mother in shock. Jacob's features held a similar expression and when he looked down at the astonished little girl next to him, he couldn't help but let his eyes tear up. He knew he couldn't stop this, he could never stop his wife from getting what she wanted. Jacob unlatched his hand from Danielle's softly, letting drop to his side before moving to stand next to his wife, who had moved out of the two men's way.

She didn't know how to cope with this. Dannielle never expected her parents to give her up, no matter if they talked about it or not. The contraction of her chest made it difficult for her to breath as she fought to keep the tears from her stormy eyes. Dannielle hadn't look up from the ground since her parents moved from the door, she didn't want to look at the two men who had come to take her away. What would they do to her? Why did they want her of all people? She didn't know.

All of the questions swarming inside her little head were washed away as the one identified as Charles took a step forward and leaned down to her height, his hand outstretched for her to take a hold of.
"My name is Charles. Dannielle, right?" His warm smile had brought her some comfort. She nodded after a few seconds, bring the teddy that was hanging in her hand to her chest and taking ahold of his outstretched hand.
"Did you know, Dannielle, that you are one very gifted young girl?" He asked, standing back up while keeping eyes on her.
"Mom always says I'm a little freak and a monster." Little emotion was used in her voice yet it seemed to affect the pair of men more than she ever thought it could.
"The only monsters and freak in this world are the ones that don't accept who you are." Erik's voice cut through the short-live silence as the little girl looked up at him.
"You are different and it makes you special. Charles and I are just like you." He finished, his eyes never left Dannielle.
"We have friends just like us too Dannielle. Would you like to meet them?"

Dannielle had been closer to the base than a few of the others. It was only a two hour drive there and another two back to the facility. The sun had just gone below the horizon before they'd left and as soon as they'd left the driveway, she was fast asleep in the back of the car. Erik had been studying the soft features of the girl's small face when Charles spoke up.
"I didn't think someone would begin to show their mutation at such a young age. I was three year older before anything happened."
"No one should have to go through what she has." Erik's teeth were clenched as her turned back to look out the window.

A/n all of the prologue chapters will only be 1000-1500 but I'll be making the normal chapters 3000+ words! Thank you for reading this far!

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