Getting Up to Speed

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Dear Reader,
Because it took me so long to get chapter eight (Triple Date) published, I have decided to get you up to speed on what happened after that. I started writing this book at the beginning of Th Flash season 3, and now it's already season 4. So here's what happened:

After their triple date, Steve and Natasha stayed only a little bit longer before they had to leave. Barry, Cisco and the rest of the team helped to get them back to their Earth. After this, Team Flash kept the two of them in their hearts, but started worrying about the problem at hand. Savitar. (I'm assuming you already know what has happened, because I'm also assuming you've watched the rest of season 3. If you haven't you might want to watch it before you continue reading.) So, as you know Iris was supposed to die, but when Savitar "killed" her, we figure out the HR took her place. So Iris lived on, and HR died. (Sad times. Sad times.) Then, as you know, Barry and Iris were going to get married, but Barry had to go into the speed force. Also, as you know, Barry came back at the beginning of season 4...AND THE STORY LEADS ON!!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2017 ⏰

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