Chapter 10 Movie Night

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August 2012

"You haven't?" Arianna asked curiously, and Steve shook his head.

Normally when people asked him something like that, he became very uncomfortable or embarrassed as he became aware of just how much the world had changed and how much time he'd missed. Sometimes it was just his own discomfort, and sometimes it was also because of the shocked or even condescending (Tony) way people phrased the question.

But with Arianna, it was different. He didn't feel the need to be embarrassed because he knew she meant well and meant it with genuine curiosity. Not to mention determination. Arianna went out of her way to find out what Steve was behind on and help him catch up to present times- and this was no exception.

"You've never seen Star Wars?" Arianna repeated, and Steve nodded again.

"You have to see it." Arianna declared, suddenly looking fired up. "It was incredible, especially for its time, and still remains relevant today because of it."

"You said the same thing about Mickey Mouse." Steve pointed out a little skeptically, and Arianna wagged her finger at him.

"Do not insult the Mouse." She teased. "And trust me, you'll like Star Wars. We'll watch that next time."

Steve still looked a little skeptical but he nodded in agreement. He trusted Arianna and so far she had been very good at guessing his tastes. Even with Disney, she'd admitted she didn't think he would really enjoy it, but had proclaimed it was a requirement of every male in the current century to be subjected to at least one Disney movie in his lifetime. And what better movie than one on the mouse who began it all?

"If you don't have other plans, we could do a movie night this Saturday?" Arianna suggested, and Steve nodded readily.

Another thing about Arianna was that she didn't automatically assume that he would be free outside of his SHIELD commitments. Some (Tony) teased Steve about having no social life, but not Arianna. She always checked that he was free and willing to spend time with her- not that Steve let on quite how willing he was.

He was still working through his feelings for the brunette, but Steve wasn't so naïve that he didn't realize he at least had some romantic interest in Arianna. But he was wary of acting on his feelings yet, not just because he was still unsure about his place in the 21st century but also because Arianna was his friend. The last thing he wanted was for things to become awkward between them.

"All right." Arianna smiled cheerfully, shaking Steve from his thoughts. "Saturday it is. Now, I have a meeting but if you want, we can grab lunch together?"

Steve smiled as he agreed: "That would be nice."

Arianna beamed back at him, and Steve's heart leapt though he tried not to show it as Arianna waved before heading out of their office. Little did he know Arianna was also ignoring the way her heart had sped up at Steve's bright smile.


The following Saturday

"So, Vader was his father?" Steve asked, impressed, as they finished the second movie in the original Star Wars trilogy.

Arianna nodded as she stretched out from her comfortable curled position on the couch, accidentally revealing some of her skin when her shirt hiked up. Steve averted his eyes quickly, cheeks burning, but Arianna didn't notice as she stood up and walked to her kitchen.

"Do you want another beer?" She called as she set about making another enormous bowl of popcorn – Steve's appetite had no end, though Arianna ate an astonishing amount herself – and Steve stood up.

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