A Blizzard in the World of Magi

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For @fairytail259 - Thank you so much for your support!

A/N - This is strictly only a one-shot. I may or may not continue it as another story depending on the reception.

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"GET BACK HERE, YOU WHIPPER-SNAPPER!" An old man roared, shaking his fists in fury.

Darting through the crowd was a white blur. Clutching onto a loaf of bread and a small pot of jam, they ran as far as they could until the geezer's cries were out of earshot.

Panting, they took a sharp turn around a corner and disappeared into an alleyway. Slumping onto the dirty ground, they pulled off the hood of their cloak, revealing fluffy white hair. A small girl in tattered clothing nearly began weeping at the sight of food in her dirty hands.

Still trembling, she took the stale bread and tore off a chunk, breathing in the refreshing scent. Using one hand to open the pot of jam, she dipped a finger in and licked the sugary spread. Absolutely giddy and high on just that small amount of sugar, she rammed the bread into the pot and began eating ravenously. Before she could take another bite, she was interrupted by a feminine voice.

"Well aren't you just a cutie!"

Another girl, who was some what taller, stood over the dirty child. Modestly covered with a cloak, long pink hair tumbled down her shoulders.

"You certainly have potential..." She hummed, studying the white-haired girl's appearance. "What you did back there: you almost disappeared for a second."

The child shuffled back slightly, gathering her stolen food closer to her. She stared at the stranger before her, taking in every detail. But it was her eyes that caught her in a trance. One blue and one pink, like sparkling gems of sapphire and pink diamond.

"So what's your name?" The tall girl asked, crouching down so they were both on the same level.


"...I knew this was gonna happen." The stranger chuckled softly, placing one hand on her cheek. "My name is Shiroma and I can offer you something better than this."

"...?" The child shrunk away in fear, but her sky blue eyes said otherwise.

"I know a guy - his name is Ja'Far. And he knows another guy - Sinbad. I'm sure he'll help you out of here." Shiroma explained, flashing a brilliant smile.

"...stranger danger..." The child whispered, before shooting up and attempting to run away.

"Ah! No, wait! Please!" Shiroma cried, taking the child by the hand. Looking desperately around, Shiroma eyed a pot of jam that was savagely eaten. "If you come with me, you won't go hungry anymore!"

The child hesitated for a moment but slapped her hand away in the end. "...That's what the bad man said to mommy." Without looking back, she ran and disappeared into the crowd.

Sighing, Shiroma stood up and rubbed her temples. "...This was a lot harder than I thought..."

Few days later...

The child was hungry. Hungry to the point where she wanted to die. But she didn't want to die either. The last time she had anything to eat was before that woman "Shiroma" interrupted her meal. Once she had left the alleyway, the child returned inconspicuously to pick up her leftover bread and jam. Unfortunately, the rats got to it first.

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