Hot school year ;p

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I want to dedicate this chapter to a person who go me into writing




He is a great writer and he has such a good book called Niall's Secret goes check it out


 Chapter 5


Niall's P.O.V

I don't want to go back to school, it’s so boring and i hate all my classes

My parents put me in this stupid private school because they wanted me to get a good education, but i hate it there but the good thing that came out of this is that this is where i met Liam, so there was an upside about this school, apparently his parents had the same idea about the education thing

I always get a dive to school from Liam so I’m going to call him


"Hey Li" i say happily

"Hey NI, do you still want me to pick you up for school"

"Ya, but can we leave early i want to see if i am in any of your classes"

"Ya sure NI, i hope we have some classes together" he says laughing

"Same well i am going to go get ready, be here in 30 min?" i say questioningly

"Yup, see you then"

He hangs up and i run and jump into the shower

20 min later

shit i did not think that i was in there for that long, i grab my favorite white t-shirt with the skinniest jeans i have and run down my stair case to the kitchen, i grab a banana, and as soon as i did a happy Liam walks into my house well not my house for much longer

"Hey NI are you ready to go?" he asks with a grin on his face

"Hey and ya lets go" i say

We head out to his car, we get in and he pulls out of my drive way

"Oh ya LI, can you come over after school and help get my stuff out the house and get it to yours" i say questioningly

"Ya sure" he says happily

"Thanks" i say awkwardly hugging him

We get to school and head to the office

"Hello young man, are you to here to pick up your time tables" she asks

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