An Unwanted Friend

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Ashton's pov

I was training a pup in the pack named Zachary he's only nine which is the year that most wolfs start training. his father also died in that battle with sunrise pack but he would have lived if only he hadn't tried to save my mother. Zachary has became like a little brother to me so I protect him with everything I have. just then my phone rings from the other side of the training room. I tell Zachary to rest as I run off to answer my phone.



A- hello

R- Ashton you and Zachary need to get back to the pack house now there in a wolf from another pack in our territory and it's not safe.  

A-we will be there in a few minutes.



Zachary get your bag and come with me. what's wrong Ashton?, ask the little boy. don't worry about it Zachary we bust need to get home. now I'm going to shift and when I do don't be scared okay my wolf loves you just like I do and would never hurt you if you want to talk to my wolf his name is Fridoif, his name mean Peaceful wolf and that is because of the power i have and the color of his body he will be midnight black with snow white paws and that shows power in the wolf wold and it show that my wolf and i are peaceful do. i shift then Fridofi tip the young boy on the head that says to him in mind link. I'm Fridofi and ill lay down you get on my back and im taking you back to the house okay. Zach nods then we lay down and he gets on our back. we slowly stand up the take off running. i get back to the pack house then let Zach off my back and he runs over to his mother who is crying. i watch him and her and make sure their safe then i run our to meet Ryan, Connor, and Jason. when i meet then they are all in wolf form. Jason and Ryan were following a trail but Connor was laying on the forest floor whimpering.i walk over then ask trough mind link whats wrong Alpha Connor. he looks up and says I can't get Sophia to answer my calls i think somethings wrong with me our the pack.  

Sophia's pov

i wasin the woods following the smell on the wolf to see why i could remember then. i was thinking so hard i had not seen the small little pup in front of me. i stop the look up. she had bright green eyes and fire red hair. i bend down and smell her she smells like the sunrise pack I touch her with my nose and she pats my head. i call to James the pack healer. he respons in a few minutes and says whatsd wrong lunna. i tell him to get ready im  bring in a sick pup. he says he will be ready the i turn back to the pup then go behind a tree and shift.  i come back in human form with clothes on and say hello little girl whats your name she smiles at me and says im Molly me mommy brought me here she said i wasn't safe with my old family. I nod my head then say are you the only one she brought here she shakes her head then says my older brother is here too but he ran off when some men started to come our way I think the went after him I'm worried about him he's my only family. just the I hear a cry for help. she looks at me with tears in her eyes and says that his wolf fluffy is what I call him but his real name is Faolan he said it mean little wolf because he's a lot small then most wolfs. I take her in my arms the put her back down and say im going to shift and you get on my back okay. she nod then gets on my back when I shift.

Connor's pov

Ryan had the small wolf pined to the ground showing his teeth. the smaller wolf lets out a cry for help. I yell at him  asking why he was in my territory. all he kept saying was Molly over and over again. I could smell that he was a member of the sunrise pack. I hated anybody in that pack because my dad Zachary's dad and Ashton's mom died at the paws of the warriors. I bite his tail and he whimpers just then Sophia's white wolf brakes through the trees and is standing at the other side of the small clearing we were in. the wolf looks over to her and whimpers begging her for help. she bends her heads then I see a small girl on her back she lays down and the girl gets off the walks behind a tree then comes back a few minutes later with clothes on. she picks the young pup up in her arms then starts to walk over to were me and Ryan have there small wolf pined to the ground. she looks at me and says left him up I shake my head no and her looks at me with anger in her eyes then turn to Ryan "LET HIM UP RYAN' she says in her lunna voice. he bows and slowly lets the small wolf up. she sits the girl on the ground the takes her hand and slowly walks up to the small gray wolf she binds down next to it and the little gill pets the wolf on the head he closes him eyes and lets a purr out. Sophia smiles then says "Hello Faolan is it you or is it Brandon?" the wolf smiles a wolf grin then talks to her through mind link well hello Faolan, will you give Brandon control. the wolf nods his small head then a few minutes later the wolfs eyes turn Dark green instead od the Brown they were before. then the walf walks over to where a tree is a shifts he comes back with pants on and I can now tell that he's about 17 has blond hair and Green eyes. he walks over to the little girl and picks her up he hugs hr then says Molly I'm sorry I cant protect us my wolfs small we can't help that but you know that your ten now and can start training for when we see your wolf okay sweetheart. the small pup nods her head then says I love you Brandon. he smiles then says love you too molly. he then turns to Sophia and says Launn I'm sorry we are in your territory but we couldn't stay with Sunrise pack even with me becoming Beta they all beat Molly and said she would be weak as a wolf sense my whole family of wolfs are small as you can tell by my wolf and his name. she nod then says it fine and im sorry my stupid mate and alpha bite you the pack healer in on his way he will look at your wounds then you will come back with us and become part of my pack then  she turns the me and says don't make me use my lunna voice on you again. Him and molly will live with us and Ashton will train Molly when he trains Zachary. I nod my head now in human form I shifted when he was talking. after James looked at Brandon and Molly we start walking back to the pack with the very unwanted guest but Sophia used he lunna voice there is nothing me or my wolf can do.

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