The Story So Far

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The Story so far:

In the events of Thunder, Z9, an agent of Celestria's main taskforce, becomes involved in the recovery of a small but precious box, lined with red velvet, and the word Thunder is brought into the equation, a word that has seemingly no connections to anything. Upon its retrieval a discovery was made that led Z9 to a warehouse for an underground organisation, from which she promptly fought her way out, the word Thunder being noted on the screens of the warehouse also. Taking the hotel key from one of the organisation's men, she discovered Xerou Evangra, the trophy wife, whom Z9 forced to take her to someone who would present her with more information. Spyder, a for-hire information gatherer that lives in Chorus' club in Region 27 reveals to her the identity of the organisation, Baron, an underground resistance movement that are very much off the radar. During this time Z9 realises that others on her taskforce, other Z agents, are being lured into a trap, and puts Evangra in police custody before rushing to save the Z agents.

After a high speed pursuit, and the discovery of the Z agents dead, Z9 chases a suspect from the train station and onto the highways of Celestria before descending into the streets and ending in a fireball. Z9's suspect is charred, and until any information can be recovered from him, supposing he lives, the quest seems to be at an end.

The C.A.T (Celestria Agent Taskforce) however discovers the slight remains of a fingerprint on the box, belonging to a wealthy businessman named Dogra, currently on a break at a luxury part of Celestria known as The Lounge. Z9 travels there, but obtains information that Dogra knows she is coming. Z9 gets him alone and interrogates him, only to find that the box is not important, simply a rouse to manoeuvre a master plan into position. Z9 realises that everything that has happened so far has been a way to get the leader of Baron into the C.A.T. Xerou Evangra.

She races back to the headquarters, where the fighting has begun. Taking a secret entrance into the bottom of the building she fights her way up, killing anyone in her path, before a reuniting with Evangra at the top of the building. This, Evangra explains is just an announcement party that their group, Baron, is open for business. When asked about the meaning of Thunder, Evangra doubles over laughing. Thunder means nothing, and is just a word that Baron thought sounded cool and use it as a kind of war cry. After a brief struggle Evangra escapes out of the window, and leaves into the night with Celestria's Taskforce's building in ruins and dozens dead.

A few months later...

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