Tears of the Rose

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I had you, then i lost you 

I think of us, I think of you

Oh! my heart aches 

Tears flow down my cheek .

I see you in front of me 

Within reach ..... but,

 Oh! So far away

I had you, then i lost you 

Lost you forever !! 

At dark nights, in bed , alone 

I think of you ... you alone

I feel so cold ... so desolate

My bed feels barren

And my heart , just a void.

Tears like petals cover the ground

As i lie fallen ..... defeated..

I cant do it anymore.. cant go on .....

my strenght dwindling and my belief fading.

But then... then i see you

Your eyes .... held by you

Your gaze.... i wait 

Do nothing .... afraid you' ll vanish

Then your there ..... next to me

.....surrounding me.....

Encasing me in your arms 

Kissing away the tears of the rose .

Tears of the RoseWhere stories live. Discover now