Unfinished Dances (Duck x Fakir)

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I noticed that there wans't that many princess tutu fanfictions on wattpad. So i wanted to conrtibut to my one of my few striaght ships that i have. i do not own princess tutu and i give my full respect to the creater bless his creative sole. This story is going to be a Ahiru x Fakir/ Duck x Fakir.

Once upon a time there was duck. That duck turned into a girl who turned into a princess and that princess was loved by all and she loved to dance. her favorite place to dance was in the midst of dark night by lake filled with majestic swans. Swans with white feathers glistening slightly under the moonlight and their wings flexing and stretching effortlessly under the stars. Oh how the princess loved to dance at night.

Until one night, a very powerful magician was hurt ,badly, by another. So cruel was this other person to him that he was sent ragging into the forest. He unleashed his frustration on the trees around him. Bashing the trunks, spoiling leaves in every direction and destroying life.

He wanted to love, he thought, he wanted to care, he could care, he could cherish. He  must, he longed for it. Longed for it more than anything. He was so determined to love a fair maiden. Yes a fair maiden was the only one for him. Only one that is beautiful ,in both body and spirit, could accompany him. So he continued to rage in that forest over something he wanted but never had, the forest in which the princess loved to dance.

So that one night she was indeed on the lake side, dancing her heart away with her now long time companion swan friends. Until he saw her, preparing pummel a tree to the near ground when suddenly his arms and heart stopped at the sight of her. Her limbs graceful as a cool breeze in warm spring time and as fluid as the water from an elegant crystal fountain. She danced there in perfection. She spun on her toes so delicately on a perfect equilibrium. her face glowed despite the black of the surrounding night and her smile a source of white light. the kindness in her gestures and the sweetness in her steps it was addicting. He was addicted. He watched, and watched, and watched. Then suddenly watching wasn’t enough, he had to have her. keep her, like a possession, because possessions do not, could not, run away like all the other women he had loved in his life. No more. No more women who ran in fear of him. No more thoughts of the woman who dumped an infant girl upon him and abandoned him. Alone. Yes no more. Just her. Her and her dancing.

Just coming to see her every night would not be enough. He knew. Some other man, a dashing young noble prince or handsome knight perhaps, could and would waltz in and take his prize away from him, his sudden new muse. He wouldn’t have it. Then an idea came upon him once he saw the swans, an evil idea. Of course swans would be the ones do dance by this intoxicating beauty, she herself is a swan amongst humans. Indeed a swan. Then he decided to keep it that way forever. To trap her there on the lake with the swans forever in eternal youth.  A powerful spell which could not be broken by means known, only a spell in which could be altered (for even his magic is not invincible). Forever a Swan. To be a swan by day and a princess by night, to dance for him. It was a great plan indeed. To keep his masterpiece, only his,  forever dancing on the surface of a lake. The Swan Lake.

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