Sing To Me

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You skipped through the hide out, humming an old song your mother had sang to you and Hidan in your childhood. Your little run in with your childhood friend had dredged up old memories – lovely memories for you. Well – mostly. Most of the ones of being in public with Hidan never ended well, but – hey, what could you say?

“… And the birds fly away,

Through the storm.

To where the sun shines

Above the misty clouds,” you sang, stepping on a chair to dust some shelves of scrolls. There was a chuckle behind you. You jumped causing you to fall backwards. However, you didn’t hit the ground, instead, a large pair of arms caught you. You blushed and looked up – into the face of Hidan.

“You’re fucking singing that damn old song,” he questioned, you stared at him. “If I fucking remember right the next verse is:

‘Somewhere above the babbling breeze

And the bubbling brooks.

Where the stones lie cool and clammy

And up on a hill an old dog sits

Howling with the wolves to the moon.’” You were surprised he still remembered; that song was probably the last thing he ever thought about.

“Yeah; you remember how my mother used to sing that to us all the time – especially when you were angry,” you chuckled, remembering how Hidan used to throw stones at kids and threaten them. “Actually, I believe there was hardly a time when you weren’t angry or threatening someone.”

“Only when I was fucking alone with you.” Still sitting in Hidan’s arms, he began to lean down an odd light in his eye. You mentally freaked out and, unsure what to do, spazzed out and fell from his arms. “What the hell?!”

“I – uh – ‘Lovely lilacs and boiling streams

Wait for the goose and gander?’” you squealed then quickly picked up your dusting stuff and ran off with crimson burning your cheeks. Was he going to – kiss you? You shook your head and kept running until you reached the other end of the hide out.

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