Chapter XIV

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Hazel’s Point of View

 I woke up facing Chresanto. My right leg was on his side and his arm was around my waist. I looked at him. He looked non stressed for once. I tried getting out of his embrace but he held tighter.

 ‘’Chresanto.’’ I said quietly. His eyes opened slowly. A smile crept onto his face when he seen me.

 ‘’Goodmorning, Hazel.’’ He said. I smiled and put my head back on the pillow. I looked into his eyes and smiled.

 ‘’Gosh, I’m so tired.’’ I said yawning.

 ‘’Me too, but I have to get up. You can lay here and try to get sleep.’’ He said kissing my forehead. He got up and walked out of the bed. The bed felt cold. I got up and walked downstairs to the kitchen. I seen Princeton sitting at the counter.

 ‘’Goodmorning, Princeton.’’ I said.

 ‘’Goodmorning, Hazel. How is you and your man?’’ He asked.

 ‘’Princeton, Chresanto and I are friends.’’ I said.

 ‘’Come on, you gotta admit you like him more than a friend.’’ He said smirking.

 ‘’Princeton, I do but we are two different kinds of people. He goes on tour while I’m here in Los Angeles at school.’’ I said.

 ‘’You got understand Hazel. Chresanto likes you. You both like each other, what’s the problem?’’ He asked.

 ‘’Princeton, I have been in relationships and got my heartbroken. Chresanto is special to me. He can make me laugh. He’s like a drug that I need to function correctly.’’ I said.

 ‘’Just give him a chance. Chres is a pretty loving guy. You two look good together anyway.’’ He said.

 ‘’I don’t know if I can. It’s the matter of he’s my best friend. If we break up what will happen?’’ I said.

 ‘’You never know until you try.’’ He said sipping out of his mug. He was right, I need to try. I don’t know if I could be with Chresanto. Speaking of him, he walked into the kitchen. I walked out of the kitchen. I walked up the stairs to his room. I grabbed my phone and walked back downstairs.

 ‘’Bye guys! Prince text me later!’’ I shouted walking out of the door. I walked down the steps to my car. I got in and put the key into the ignition. I pulled off and turned down the radio. I need to think. I pulled up to my house to see both of my parents were gone. I took the key out of the ignition and got out. I walked up to the door and opened it. I walked inside and raced up to my room.

 I jumped onto my bed and grabbed iPhone out of my pocket. I unlocked it and texted Jas’mariee.

 Me: See if you can come over! Need to talk about some stuff.

 I locked my phone and got up from my bed. I walked into my bathroom. I stripped out of my clothes and stepped into the hot shower. I need to think about this whole Chresanto situation. I got out of the shower, wrapping a towel around my body. I walked into my bedroom and lotioned up with Rio Rumberry lotion. I walked into my closet and looked around.

 I slipped on a white AE boyfriend tank top with turquoise seamless ‘’Awesome’’ verbiage boyshorts. I slipped on charcoal/turquoise HUF Plantlife socks. I let my hair hang down. I walked into my room and paced the floors. What am I going to do? I want to date him but I don’t want us to break up. I sat down on my bed and grabbed my iPhone. I unlocked it and texted Princeton.

 Me: Princeton, I don’t know what to.

 I threw my phone on my bed and continued pacing. I really like Chresanto but I’m afraid to be with him.

 ‘’Hazel, stop pacing.’’ Someone said. I snapped my head in the direction of the voice. It was Jas’mariee.

 ‘’Jas’mariee I need advice about this situation.’’ I said.

 ‘’Just tell me.’’ She said. I told her everything from the talk to Princeton to all of these mixed emotions I’m having.

 ‘’Wow, you sound like you want to be with him.’’ She said.

 ‘’I know Jas’mariee but I don’t want to.’’ I said.

 ‘’Why?’’ She asked.

 ‘’I always want him to be with me but in a relationship we could break up and never talk each other.’’ I said.

 ‘’Look at Princeton and I’s relationship. We live every day telling each other we care about each other. We don’t think about the negatives, we think about the positives.’’ She said. I got up and laid down on my bed. I grabbed my Mac and logged onto it. I went to Facetime and clicked Princeton’s name. It took some time but his face popped onto the screen.

 ‘’Hey.’’ I said.

 ‘’What’s up?’’ He asked.

 ‘’I don’t know. I got all these mixed feelings. I’m stressing out.’’ I said.

 ‘’Stop stressing. You just need to tell him how you feel.’’ He said.

 ‘’Princeton it is hard.’’ I said.

 ‘’You just think it’s hard but it isn’t.’’ He said.

 ‘’It’s hard for me. I don’t know why it is.’’ I said.

 ‘’Hey Prince.’’ That familiar voice said. I seen Chresanto in the camera.

 ‘’Hi Hazel.’’ He said. I plastered on a fake smile and waved.

 ‘’What you guys talking bout?’’ He asked sitting beside Princeton.

 ‘’We were talking about the summer.’’ I said.

 ‘’Yeah, we were talking bout how our summers were going to be, considering Hazel is starting her job in about two more months.’’ Princeton said.

 ‘’Oh, you could have Facetime me about that.’’ He said.

 ‘’He was talking to Jas’mariee too.’’ I said. Jas’mariee took her queue and jumped onto the bed beside me.

 ‘’Hey boo, I’m back.’’ She said smiling. I got up from the bed and walked back and forth. What the fuck am I going to do? I walked out of bedroom, downstairs to the kitchen. I picked up a bag of Taki’s. I walked back upstairs and opened the bag. I ate them really fast.

 ‘’Hazel, he’s gone.’’ Jas’mariee said.

 ‘’Just talk to Princeton. I’m going to be in the movie theater.’’ I said, walking out of my room. I walked downstairs to the movie theater. I put in the movie All Around The World. Just seeing him on screen just made me breakdown. I don’t know why I can’t just tell him I like him but it’s hard. I guess there is something inside of me that won’t let me say it.

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