You are the sun

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17th March, 2017


Your sunshine you called him.

You are heartbroken you say? Why? He was the guy who taught you to love?

He was the one who made you smile when you woke up every morning and you texted him, just the fact that he is in your life made you forget all of your problems?

Or was it his eyes, those innocent eyes, full of love, the eyes which could never see a tear in yours. The eyes which lit up when you laughed like a baby. The eyes which were full of passion and had everything in the world when you made sweet and hot love?

Was it all the things he did to show you he cared? Calling you to ask if you've reached home safely, or playing your favourite song in the car during a long drive, even though he hated it?

Maybe it was all of it, maybe it was just him.

Or maybe, maybe it was the girl.

It was the girl who saw the good in everything. She had learnt to be happy, about everything in her life. She was happy about getting a text reply, because she knew someone cared. She was happy about getting gifts, not because they were so pretty but because someone thought of you when they saw it, and got it for you. She was happy about sitting with someone in the class who made her laugh. She loved the fun she had with someone even if they are watching a movie.

It was the girl.

The girl is you.

It is not about him, it was never about him, remember? It was always how happy it all made you. Why do you want it to be him?

You get lovelier good morning texts from your mother, even your grandmother! You are gifted the best gifts ever from your best friend. You have funnier friends, with whom you can connect on a higher level. You have the greatest fun in the world with your little sisters. Don't you?

He was not your sunshine. The sunshine you saw in him was your shine reflecting from themoon. Does the sun stop ever shining when there is no moon? The sun does not live just for the moon. The sun lives for Earth, and all the tiny creatures that rely on him for life. For all the other planets that revolve around him. The sun, lives for herself.

He was a moon that has vanished.

You are the sun.

The Diary of an unbroken heart.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon