7. Flare

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Chapter Song: Dimelo - Enrique Iglesias

FRIDAY at the Town's Carnival

(Lana's point of View)

"OLEEEEEEEE!" "OLEEEEEEE!" The crowd screamed as my husband dodged the raging bull with his gold cape. After the Bull got tired and tried tackling the cape once more, my husband stabbed the poor animal with one of the lances, making it bleed for the first time. I instantly looked away. I hated watching his bullfighting, but how could I hate it? I'm his wife and I'm suppossed to look at this heartless humiliation and murder as a form of art right?

I find nothing artistic in this. After a few more stabs, the bull grew tired of trying to fight, but this didn't stop Salvador from tackling it with his horse and stabbing more lances on his back. I grew so uncomfortable that I impulsively got up from my seat and left the balcony were me and the rest of Salvador's friends were seating in the arena. I heard Lucia, the governor's wife, asking me where I was going but I didn't answer back, I just had to leave that place. Seeing that bull in so much suffering was bringing me to tears. I couldn't stand it anymore.

After I went outside the arena, where the carnival was being held, I started walking and looking at all the people having fun playing games. I wish I was here just doing the same instead of watching an animal getting killed with the rest of Salvador's friends...

And then just as if my wish had been granted, I noticed a girl with long light brown hair and doe eyes playing ring toss with a small group of people just meters from me.

My heart instantly felt a familiar warmth I'd been missing. And all my efforts to stay away from her vanished in an instant.
"Lily!" I impulsively shouted.

She turned startled and gave me a sincere smile when she spotted me. I couldn't help the smile that escaped my lips as well and I waved at her. She told something to her friends and approached me right away.

"Hi Lana, what a surprise! I didn't think you would come to the carnival, I thought you might be in the arena watching the bullfight."
She told me happily.

"I was. It's just that I'm not a huge fan of it really, I'd rather enjoy the carnival. Did you came here with your friends?"

"Yeah just some friends from uni, we were playing ring toss but I suck at it, I rather play balloon pop or something like that." She said making me laugh.

"Well do you think you could beat me? There's one over there." I said pointing at the stand.

"Oh it's on." She told me before we walked to were the balloon pop game was.

(Lily's point of view)

I couldn't believe how fast I forgot I was trying to avoid Lana as soon as I saw her. I was genuinely really happy to see her and now we were playing darts against each other. After a couple of tries each, I ended up winning, and the man in charge of the game gave me a small plush bull as a prize.

"I told you I was good at aiming!" I told her in a sassy way.

"It's not fair! You definitely had more pointy darts than me..." Lana replied joking and made me laugh.

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