how we met.

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The first time we formally met when on a stage, where good things always happen. We were only ten years old. The director - I don't remember her name anymore - called the first read through on the stage rather than sitting in a room, like usual, in order to "familiarize us with the thrill of being on a stage". A few days earlier, we had been waiting together to go in to audition, both auditioning for the same part. After neither of us had gotten it and both been cast as background characters, we had to stand next to each other during the read through. After the full read through, we were instructed to do improv with the person next to us. We both turned toward each other and, BAM, we were best friends. He tells it differently, but everyone always listens to me.


There was a problem with Scott and I being best friends, though. We went to different schools. On opposite sides of town, no less. And he lived twenty-nine miles away from me, which, according to my mom, was "too far to drive just to see a boy you've only known for a few months". Nobody thought we would be friends once the show was over. Little did they know that he would become the most important person in my life. We started talking every day and quite literally begging our parents to drive us to see each other. At that age, neither of us could quite figure out what the draw was to each other, but we both felt it. Even when we were only ten, I knew there was something different about him. Not necessarily good, but there was something. After about six years, it disappeared. Or maybe he just got better at hiding it.


Our problems back then were trivial. We had nothing important to worry about. The only arguments we ever got into - any arguments we still get into - are over nothing.

"I will literally skip graduation to come to yours."

"No, don't do that. Then you'll have to redo eighth grade and we can't go to high school together, like we always planned."

"They won't make me retake the class, they'll just mail my diploma to me. I don't need it anyway. It will probably end up in a drawer somewhere and never be seen again."

"If anyone's skipping, it will be me."

"I won't let you."

"Well I won't let you."

"Ugh, why are we literally a married couple?"


"Sorry, I shouldn't have said that." ... "Oh look at the time. I have to go. Bye, Mitch."


It has been eleven years since we met, almost to the day. Now we live together. Now we are dating. Now we are closer than any two people who live.

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