Going Through Changes

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It was strange, everything was loud but muffled and blurry...it was like in the movies and TV programmes when a bombs gone off. My mouth was dry and my throat scratchy...I could smell blood and sweat. I tried to push myself up when I realised my hands were bunched and I couldn't unbunch them. I looked down to see two brown furry paws instead of my pale white hands. My mind whirled and my stomach tightened. I threw my head around to try and look at myself but couldn't. I looked under my arms...well, legs to see a brown furry belly and another two legs and a tail tucked between them. I felt anger, fear, surprise and panic all at once and began to leap around the cage that was now laying on its side. That's when I heard running and I looked up and saw Jason looking at me with those wonderful human eyes of his, filled with sadness as he looked at me.

"Elaina ...you did it, you're alright. You got through the change! You're so wonderful"

He reached into the cage and went to touch my head, I don't know what came over me but I snapped at his hand and snarled at him. He held his hand to his bare chest and that's when I realised he was completely naked. His eyes clouded in concern as he clutched the bars and looked to find the lock. A large wolf bounded up to Jason but kept looking back over it's shoulder, I looked past Jason and realised that there were ten wolves, three standing on hind legs making them the werewolves from horror movies and the rest were like normal wolves but slightly bigger.

I felt a sudden rush of sadness and I wanted to break down and cry, instead I threw my head from side to side and whimpered, that's when Jason touched my head and scratched my ear gently and shushed me, I just wanted to be me and have him hold me close. The next thing Shaun was standing above Jason, the wolf next to Jason was growling, a deep rumble in his chest like thunder. Jason turned and took Shaun by the throat.

"Who bit her?!" He bellowed in Shaun's face.

Shaun's hand was changed into a claw and he swiped at Jason's stomach, Jason let go of Shaun and jumped back, rattling against the cage. I had a sudden urge to bite him but resisted and turned away as there was the feeling of something pressing on my brain, pushing out my conciousness. I whined and whimpered, unable to take the pressure, wanting to give in but afraid to.

"Elly, hey Elly I'm here" The deep and comforting voice of Zeus filled my ears.

I looked at him and whined as he sat there naked and in human form, thankfully in a position where I couldn't see anything.

"All you have to do is keep breathing OK? The pain will eventually subside and you will be in full control. The wolf is just trying to....get used to it's new body. Your body will ache and your mind is going to go numb when you change back but you will be fine alright? You can do this" He said encouragingly.

"I don't care if it was your intentions or not!" Jasone bellowed.

I could feel his anger, it made me angry, I wanted to snarl and bite anything and everything.

"All I wanted...was to get you out of your comfort zone and challenge you" Shaun said.

"You wanted a challenge you've got one you mangey mutt, a fight to the death"

Zeus stood and took Jason's shoulder, turning him to look at him before looking back at Shaun.

"Is that was this was for?" Zeus asked.

Shaun stomped his foot into the ground defensivly.

"My father was the rightful leader of this pack! Then you cheated and beat him!" Shaun screamed.

Zeus shook his head.

"Your father cheated. He broke the rules of the fight and Jason stepped in. Your father got what he deserved"

"Liars!" Shaun wailed.

"My father kept the pack going for years before you decided to challenge him"

"I challenged him because he was a selfish alpha that was slowly going insane with the power" Zeus explained.

"My fight isn't wih you Zeus...it's with your son, the one who interfered with the fight and killed my father"

"I didn't kill him Shaun!"

"You struck the death blow!" Shaun snarled and turned into a wolf, the ones from the horror movies.

Jason leaned forward and his spine rippled beneath his skin, Zeus squeezed his shoulder and shook his head.

"Real wolves"

Shaun roared at them, elongated snout wide open with many sharp and pointed teeth dripping with saliva. I stood on all fours and snarled, gaining Shauns attention, my head bursting in a white rush of pain. He turned to me and made to stride towards me when Jason began a war cry that shook and trembled as his vocal chords stretched and pulled as he transformed into a seven foot nightmarish creature with piercing red eyes and a hellish snout, mouth full of elongated teeth. His large clawed hand on Shaun's shoulder and spinning him back round, their snouts touching, growling at each other, Zeus cursed and the wolves gathered, I whined and threw my head about, to the sound of the fight begining.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2014 ⏰

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