Chapter 18

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(Huge thanks to TeaAndBleach for giving me an idea to use in this chapter!)

Tom held a small pistol-like weapon as he snuck behind Tord. Once again, the two had entered their enemy's base to pick off the next target on their little list. That so happened to be the top leader of the Crimson Navy's troops, Pave Aras. This, of course, meant that the two would get a step closer to Todd, but also it would be harder to kill the other one on their list. Pave was one of Todd's main soldiers, so his death would be a large impact on the navy. Nevertheless, the red and blue leaders had taken the chance and were now head first back into the main base of the Crimson Navy.

Thanks to being there a few times before, Tord felt confided that he knew his way around the place, thus why he was in the lead. He also insisted on Tom staying low so he wouldn't be spotted easily, so that kept him at the back. This slightly confused Tom at the time at why his enemy would care about him getting caught, but he shrugged it off and went with their plan.
Tord stopped walking suddenly and slid behind a large storage crate, becoming Tom to join him. The blue leader nodded and slid over to his partner and the two went silent.
"What did you-"
"Shhh!" Tord instantly cut him off and slowly peeked above the box. Tom heard distant footsteps get louder until they had entered the hallway they were in. Tom leaned to the side to quickly catch a sight of who it was, and instantly went back once he recognized the uniforms of the two figures.

"They make this too easy..." Tom muttered, almost inaudible, to Tord, who nodded and put his hand out. Tom gave him the weapon he had been carrying very carefully. Tord smiled almost evilly and he looked at the weapon. Yes, it looks like a pistol, but it was something that would probably cause a worse death than a bullet.
This was a tranquilizer dart gun, with a single dart in it. Granted, that's all they needed. The kind of chemical that Tom had his army's scientists put on it was almost, if not more, powerful than an elephant tranquilizer. It was like poison, but with a much slower death. Let's just say, once the stuff got into someone's bloodstream, it wouldn't be pretty and couldn't be stopped.

Tord raised the gun slightly, mouthing the words 'are you sure about this?' to Tom. The blue leader just nodded and leaned against the box, not really wanting to listen to anything in the room, especially when he guessed the scene was going to go downhill pretty quickly.
With the other leader's permission, Tord looked above the create the two hid behind and put the gun near him, placing his finger on the trigger. He lined up his shot perfectly into Pave's neck and shot.

The dart was silent once it left the gun, and didn't make a sound while being shot out. The next thing Tord knew, he was hiding back behind the crate. He peeked his head up to see what was going on and couldn't help but feel a slight bit of guilt at what he saw.
His aim was perfect, as the poisoned dart had hit his target, and in an artery too. Pave was now on the ground, pretty much knocked out, but his eyes were open, rolled into the back of his head. His body shook here and there, as if he was having a seizure, and a small amount of bloody foam leaked out of his mouth. Meanwhile, the other soldier that was with him, Parker, was freaking out and screaming into a walkie talkie for Commander Red to get there as quick as possible with some medics. What made Tord feel slightly guilty? That Parker seemed so sure that he could save Pave if they were quick enough, when the fact was, he couldn't.
Once he heard footsteps running towards the hallway, Tord grabbed Tom's arm, yanked him to a standing position, and fled, running faster than he did before when finished sniping their last target.
He quickly found a back door, hearing several running footsteps behind him. He kicked open the door and ran out into the open harbor, looking around. Where the hell was the getaway car he needed?

Right as he asked himself that question, Paul and Patryck drove up in his old, beat up, red car. He quickly jumped in the back, dragging his crush with him. Once they were both inside, Tord gripped the back of the drivers seat and pointed forwards.
"Go, go, go! They followed us!" He screamed at Paul, as he stepped on the gas and they sped away.

After a few moments of silence in the car, Tord breathed a sigh of relief and layed back in his seat, he looked over to Tom, who was trying to catch his breath from all the running. For an army general, he sure was out of shape, huh? Well, Tord couldn't blame him. He only made an army to start an uprising against the Red Army.
"Are you ok?" He asked briskly, sounding slightly worried.
"Yeah... just... suck at... running. Heh." Tom laughed slightly as he slowed down his breathing. Tord patted his back and pulled out a piece of paper from his army coat. This contained a hit list of all of the people Tom and Tord had planned to assassinate. He pulled out a pen from his pocket as well and pushed it open, scribbling out another name on the list.

"Three down, two to go."

The Alliance (TomTord Fanfic) (#Wattys2017)Where stories live. Discover now