a letter to the person i need to let go of

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This morning, I've come upon the realization that I have to stop holding on to people I should already let go of. It took me a whole lot of time to realize that fact, because all along I've been hoping for you to come back, hoping for us to be okay again just like before.

But perhaps, that day was the end of us. Perhaps, you were supposed to enter my life, but you weren't meant to stay.

And I accept that. Today, I've come to accept the fact that people come and go, and, while some are going to stay, some are bound to go. Some are bound to get out of your life for the better.

However, that doesn't mean I didn't value you while you were in my life. You were once my everything, and you meant the world to me. You made me feel as though I was worthy of love and acceptance, and I will forever appreciate that.

But then everything suddenly changed in the blink of an eye, and we were back to being strangers just like before. I have no clue as to why you decided to leave me. Perhaps, you had a lot of priorities in life, and I just wasn't one of them.

However, don't ever think that I'm holding any grudge against you. We've had our fair share of arguments, but you'll always have a place in my heart. Our story may have ended and we may had to part ways at some point, but I will forever be grateful for all the things you've done to make it work somehow.

Thank you for making me happy in ways no one else can. I hope you will be genuinely happy... not with me, but with someone you were meant for.

Now, I'm going to end this letter by saying...

Today, I'm going to stop holding onto you and your promises.

Today, I'm letting you go.

• • •

This is prolly one of the toughest things I had to write. Anyways, thank you so much for reading. ❤️

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