Mysterys of the Night

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Mysterys of the Night

How would you feel if one day all those horror movies you watched when you were little about the creatures in the night and what hides in the shadows were true? What would you do if they suddenly started to come true? And there was nothing you could do about it because you are powerless against the creatures of the night.

Beep beep beep says the annoying devil of an alarm clock on my bedside table. I grab I and throw it across my room.

"Kara did you just throw another alarm clock?" says my mom. No this is not the first time I have thrown my alarm. It's actually the 4th. So as you can see I am not a morning person.

"Yes mom, sorry mom ill buy the next one" I said as I crawled out of bed, my feet hitting the wintry ice cold tile. My warm skin being touched be the cold morning air.

Making my way to the bathroom I pass by my dresser mirror. Oh gosh my hair is a mess! My hair is piled like a hay stack.

I stair at the same face that I have stared at the whole 17 years of my life. I have the same light brown hair and natural highlights as my mother, and the same big midnight blue eyes as my dad. My hair goes down to about the middle of my back. My skin is kind of tanned but not really. And I have slight freckles around my nose. All in all I look like any other seventeen-year-old teenage girl should.

Once I made it to my bathroom I striped down and jumped in the shower, letting the warm water hit me in the face and wake me up. Ah I love showers, there just so relaxing. Like every muscle in my body gets loose and Un strained.

"Kara hurry up I need to take a shower too!" yelled my annoying older sister Lara.

"You have your own!" I shouted back irritated that she bothered my peaceful shower.

"Mine isn't working! Now let me use yours!" she barked back.

"Ugh fine 5 more minutes!" gosh she always gets her way and she doesn't even ask nicely!

"Fine! But hurry, Jason's gonna be here in 30 minutes!" Ah great! I hate Jason! My sister's boyfriend who always treats me like I am 5 years old! Even though he's nineteen and I am seventeen, but maybe that little brain of his isn't big enough to learn how to count the years apart we are.

I negotiated my self out of the warm calming shower and wrapped a towel around my self. I walked over to the door and unlocked it. The door slammes open and hits me strait in the face! I staggered back with a big grunt as my sister trampled in. She turned to me and saw me holding my face.

"Omgosh I am so sorry! Don't tell mom!" of course that's her concern, that I don't tell mom. What a wonderful sister she is! Sarcasm noted.

"Ugh let me threw! And don't worry I wont tell mom." and then I thought about it "but you have to let me use those new strapy sandals you got at the mall." I smile a big victorious grin as I saw her struggle to think of a threat to say back.

"Fine" she says looking defeated. Score one for Kara zero for Lora! Oh yeah!

Now to get ready for the day. Since there's no school, not like I go to this school anymore any ways since we are moving today. I pick a pink tank top and some strait leg jeans. I go in to my sister's room and grab the shoes she promised me and threw them on. I look at the clock and it reads 7:00. Man it's early! Then I remember I haven't had breakfast yet. And right on cue my stomach growls making me laugh.

I trug downstairs, and into the kitchen to find my mom making breakfast. Mmm, that smells delicious. Eggs, Bacon, and pancakes, my favorite!

"Hey mom that smells absolutely mouthwatering!" I give her a big cheeky grin.

"Thanks I thought we could have one more family breakfast in this house before we move to England." Yep you heard he right. We are moving to England! I love England. Especially London which I have visited a couple of times. And guess where we are moving? London!

"That's a great idea mom," I said giving her a high five. Yeah I know, I try to keep my mom young.

"Where's dad?" I ask as I notice he's not here.

"Umm well honey your dad took a earlier flight because he had some work to do. So it's just your sister, you, and I." I wonder what was so important? I mean he's just an architect?

Beep Beep!

"Ohh gosh is that the moving van already?!" my mom asks, frantically picking up all of the breakfast mess and in the process taking my plate out from under me as I am taking a bite. I look up and glare at her. She sees this and comes over and takes the fork out of my hands.

"Sorry honey, breakfast is over." I sigh and start walking to the living room when I hear a knock at the door. I walk over the door, open it, and see that its jackass Jason, and shut the door before he can even talk. I turn away with an evil smile on my face. Lora comes running down the stairs glaring at me.

"Ugh you are so rude to him! He hasn't done anything to you!" I roll my eyes.

"Yeah just like your still a virgin." I say sarcastically. She glares at me because we both know she's not.

"Just get out of my way!" I step aside and she walks to the door and opens it to reveal jackass Jason. He looks at her smiles and looks to me.

He smirks and says, "Aww is someone throwing a tantrum?" Lora laughs, and I roll my eyes.

"No actually I was in a great mood untill you showed up with all of your decease's. I mean seriously why do we let him sit on our couches?" I ask trying to look serious and failing miserably because of the looks on the faces. Its like they have never herd something as nasty.

I make my way in to the backyard still chuckling a bout the incident. One thing I love about my back yard is the forest behind it. I love walking in it to clear my head. All of a sudden a little sparkle hits my eye. It's kind of shiny but still wooden, and looks really out of place. I walk over to I and see it's a half buried shiny polished box. I am curious so I reach down and pull the rest of it out. It's pretty and kind of small. It has an indention of the moon on top. I should just put it back once I thought of the old saying 'curiosity killed the cat', but it was like some unknown force was making me open it. I twisted the latch 3 times to the right and the top opened slightly. I reached down and pulled the lid up to reveal the most beautiful necklace I have ever seen. It had swirls of medal all around this midnight blue stone in the middle that shinned so bright my eyes hurt.

"Kara!" my mom yelled scaring the shit out of me.

"Where are you?" my mom yells. I can hear the worry in he voice.

"Coming mom, don't worry!" I shout back. I slip the necklace in my jean pocket and set the box down since my mom would ask questions if I randomly bring a box back. I sprinted back to my house and saw my mom frantically searching the beginning of the forest.

"There you are! Hurry hunny we are leaving." she says. Her voice now back to a normal tone.

"Coming!" I said as I made my way to the house. Sparing one backward glance at my sanctuary. The one place I could go when I am frustrated. And one place I will never see again.

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