The Holocaust: As a Shoe

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A/N: This is just the beginning of a history project.

My teacher let us expand on our creativity and this is what I'm starting with :) I will be adding more soon, hopefully, seeing as it is due on Monday next week! Happy reading! ~WriterMarie23

Yes I am a shoe,

Worn by a Jew.

The ragged numbers etched in blue,

Upon his arm,

Explained beyond words,

What he'd been through...

When I was new,

The Jew was boarding,

The voyage of the St. Louis,

along with 902.

Yes I am a shoe,

Worn by a Jew.

"Der Segen!" The Jews chanted,

"The Blessing!"

Relief and Refuge upon the Cuban shores,

A new beginning-- the Cubans granted.

Yet the promise wasn't implanted,

The Cuban leader rejected,

Without Visas, no refugees would find refuge,

The high hopes--"Der Segen!"-- was recanted.

Yes I am a shoe,

Worn by a Jew.

Then off they went in a restless slumber,

To try to plead with the U.S.,

America saw no monetary value,

And they banished the Jews in a careless manner.

Unwelcomed in the U.S. by Summer,

The Voyage of the St. Louis was terminated,

An agreement was made with four European countries,

Finally, they could call somewhere Home instead of in constant wonder.

Yes I am a shoe,

Worn by a Jew.

Just two months later,

Almost all of Europe would be engulfed in war,

The fates of most of those on the St. Louis,

And the lives of millions-- would shatter.

Nazis forced Jewish families to scatter,

Jewish feet huddled in the cold of night,

Stepping on broken glass on the way to their deaths,

Or gruesome hunger.

Yes I am a shoe,

Worn by a Jew.

Even as rumors in the U.S. spread,

That the camps to exterminate a whole race of people,

May or may not have existed,

Nothing was done, nor said.

While Americans blessed their daily bread,

Jews were starving, killing each other for a bite more,

Because the worth of a human life at that point,

Was nearly dead.

Yes I am a shoe,

Worn by a Jew.

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