Tag #3

61 4 6

Hello. I don't know what to say here except for, I was tagged by AvatarArtemis. Let's go.

1. Where are you from?
I was born in USA, my family is from India, but I currently am living in Canada.

2. What is your genre in books?
I like reading scifi and mythology and fiction in general.

3. What is your genre in music?
I listen to pop and rap and Indian classical and hiphop and yeah.

4. Who's your favourite singer?
I've said this before and imma say this again.

5. What's your favourite movie?
I don't have one.

6. Do you know Annalise Michael?

7. Have you ever had a love affair?
Nope and I'm not planning to. Ever.

8. What is your religion?
I am Hindu.

9. What is your life motto?
I don't have one yet. This question has inspired me to find one.

I tag:

My questions are:
1. What is your middle name?
2. What is your favourite hobby?
3. What is your favourite colour(s)?
4. What is your dream house? (You can describe it or put a picture)
5. Do you have any special talents?
6. What is/are your main fandom(s)?
7. Where do you live?
8. Do you have any sibling(s)?
9. How would you describe yourself?
10. What do you want to be when you grow up?

1. You have to tag 10 people other than me.
2. You havta make up 10 of your own questions. (AvatarArtemis accidentally skipped #3)

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