Chapter three

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"Lissa! Are you crazy? We can't tell her!" My mother whispered frantically. Why was she here?

"Rose. She already knows! This is amazing! A Daphmir with affinities! She even has spirit! I saw her aurora Rose, It was... Like nothing I've ever seen before! When she used her powers, she- her aurora- shined brighter than I have ever seen! And when she used spirit! It looked like a rainbow, she was happy, strong and free! We have to tell her! " I recognized aunt Lissa's voice.

"Rose, you saw what happened. Her skin was burning! She basically flied over to him, aged his desk like Natalie did to the bench and her sweat jumped off of her skin. We need to tell her," Dad said. Dad was there? Who was Natalie?

"And she felt my aurora," Aunt Lissa piped in.

"I wonder what she can do..." Uncle Christan? Was everyone there?

I finally understood what they were talking about. I was in the clinic, because someone tackled me and I hit my head. They tackled me because of what I did, I controlled the elements and tried to kill that Chase kid. Jackass, I think my anger still boiling inside of me. I sat up looking around the room realizing this hadn't happened to anyone before, feeling scared and alone I asked, "What am I?" to no one in particular.

"You're special," Mom answered. I suddenly needed her, to be in her arms and just cry. But that was just stupid, I wasn't a baby.

"Mom?" I looked up at her. "Why can I do that stuff and how was I born? You and dad are both Daphmirs. Daphmirs don't have kids, they can't have kids."
Mom sighed, "When Alex was born I looked down on him, knowing I could never have that it's a lot to take in honey. Your aunt Lissa got the idea of somehow finding a way to allow me and your father to have you. It took over a year before we got it. And when we did... we got all of the people with affinities that we could and they charmed a, potion of a type for me to drink. It had all the elements including spirit in it. I was pregnant the next day because of what happened earlier that night..." Mom seamed uncomfortable with the subject.

"Okay. Eeewwwww! Just get on to how I can do this stuff!" I shivered horrified at the image that just popped in my head. Nasty.

"Well we had you and then seventeen years later..." Mom finished.

I sighed, "Why did it happen then and not another time?" I asked. Looking around the room for answers no one had.

"We don't know why, but you need to learn how to control your... powers," My dad spoke up for the first time since I asked 'what am I?' My dad did not believe in magic or anything like that, this was gonna be hard for him.

"So... how do I do that?" I asked. Did they have a freak show class? What was the add? 'Hey kids! Was your birth an unatural act of nature? Can you do things that make your legendary father back away from you when he fights Striogi as a hobby? Did you almost kill a league of highly trained guardians over a temper tantrum? If you said yes to any of these guess what? You're a freak! Welcome to the freak show class! We have all of one student, Nadia Balikov!' Yeah, great add.

"You join the classes with the Mori on their magic," Uncle Christian said. He gave me an evil grin that was almost hidden by his black beard. Uncle Christan had a strong chin, black hair and beard, and ice blue eyes, the same color as Sofia's. "And so I'm sure you're in good hands, your partner in my class will be Alex."

Oh my God.

"What!" I squeaked. Did Uncle Christan know I liked his son? Oh my God! Alex! The date! "What time is it?"

Uncle Christan checked his watch, "Five, thirty four. Why?"

Oh crap! Alex told me he would pick me up at six thirty I didn't even have an hour! Aunt Lissa looked at me then said, "Oh my! Nadia has to get changed for her date!" How did she know that?

"What date?" My dad growled.

"Uncle Christan do I go to all of the Mori classes on magic?" I asked avoiding my father's sharp disapproving look.

Uncle Christan chuckled, "Yes, I'll make sure you're with Sofia in water, and friends in the others," Sofia's element is water and Alex's is fire, he's hot.

"Nadia let's go you need to change!" Mom warned. I nodded, then was about to stand up, my dad's hands stopped me.

"What now!" I groaned. He looked at a nearby wheelchair, "Hell no!" I argued.

"Then you better call you're date and tell him you're not coming," dad challenged. I sighed, crap, he got me.

"Fine!" I snap pouting. 

Dad helped me in the retarded chair and mom and Aunt Lissa pushed me to my dorm. "Okay I have to ask, who are you goin' on a date with?" Mom asked.

"It's a double date," I said simply.

"Ooh," Aunt Lissa said, uh oh Sofia must have said something.

"What?" Mom asked confused. Aunt Lissa just shook her head then walked out of the room for a moment, mom was about to follow her when she came back with a dress.

"Oh God, Liss no!" Mom groaned.

"What? What's wrong with it?" I asked confused, it was only a black dress, well okay it was hot. Short and from the looks of it, clingy. This was gonna make Alex go insane!

 "That's the dress I um, went in for prom, and well that night, me and your father-" Oh my God! She did not just go there! Ewww!

"Mom!" I cut her off, "Please don't finish that sentence!" I begged.

She blushed, "I know it's nasty thinking about that but, what I'm trying to say is, that dress can get a lot of attention so don't have too much fun on that date," mom warned.

I sighed, "Mom! If any guy tries to go near my underwear, I'll knock him out. Hot or not. "

Aunt Lissa laughed, "If, Alex even tried that, Dimitri would beat you to beating him, to a pulp!" It took me a second to realized Dimitri was my dad.

Mom gasped, "Alex? Nadia! What are you thinking? Lissa give me that dress!"  

"Rose, let her have fun. You got into worse situations, this is just a date!" Aunt Lissa put her arm around my shoulders and looked squarely at my mom. She may not be a kick ass guardian but in a way, Aunt Lissa was as much a bad ass as my mom.

Mom finally cracked, "Fine! But let's hurry and do her makeup! No daughter of mine is going to be not at her hottest for a date," Smooth mom, real smooth.


Thirty minutes later when I was finally done, I heard a knock at the door. "Thank you so much! I'll see you later bye!" I whisper excitedly to mom and Aunt Lissa. They both grin right before walking away to go hide in my bathroom.

I open the door giving Alex my best smile, "Hey hotness," I tease. He looked like he was about to say something cocky back when his mouth opened wide, his eyes started traveling up my body with interest. 

"Nadia, you look amazing," He sighed happily the pulled me to his side, putting an arm around my waist. That touch sent chills through me. "John better keep his eyes off you and on my sister," he joked with a sexy smile.

"And you,"  I said putting my hands on his chest, feeling proud I could do so,"better keep your hands on me."

"No problem there," his voice was husky with desire for me. 

"Ready?" I smirked when he was still checking me out.

"Oh yeah," Alex kept me at his side as we walked to our date. 

 I was wearing that black dress with the necklace mom had given me, with my hair up in like a sexy bun with only my bangs escaping. I wore black heels that did wonders for my legs, and red lipgloss.Nothing could be any better. I was hot, (and not in that stupid wheelchair) Alex had his arms around me and we were on our way to a date!

"Nadia," A voice I recignized instantly said from behind. Oh Crap!


Hey guys! How was that? Alex is hot right! But who is the mystery voice from behind? Tell me who you think it is and any other suggestions on their date. Vote. Comment. Fan. And I'll write more. Luv you guys! Tell me what you think!

(WILL NOT BE FINISHED, sorry!)Where stories live. Discover now