You said Forever! [Larry Stylinson]

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This is a story I have wanted to write for a while and I hope you guys like it!



Dear diary!

I saw him today! He was more beautiful than ever! I never thought I would see someone so beautiful. His hair is like something made from heaven! I would do anything to just run my hand trough his curls. I know that I can´t. I can´t because I´m slowly dying, I´m slowly leaving this world.

My mum say I shouldn´t think about it but how can you stop? How can you stop thinking about that you are a grenade. You are going to explode any second. You just walking around and wait for it to happen.

I just want my last time on earth to be perfect. I want it to be with him. But he don´t see me. He don´t know me. I am nothing to him, just a boy that you shouldn´t get close to because I´m slowly dying.

I don´t want to die, I wanna live with him until I get old. I want to see him smile at me and tell me that he loves me. But I will never hear him say it. It hurts to know that he won´t say it to me. But I can´t do anything about it. It is what it is.



Dear diary!

He looked at me! He saw me he really did. It was like he looked right in to my soul. I know that those feelings won´t be anything than just feeling but I know that I want it to be so much more. I want him to be the one to hold me when I take my last breath. I don´t want to take my last breath without him. I don´t want to take my last breath at all but something´s in life isn´t fair.

I would give up everything for him! I know it´s crazy but it´s true!

My mum says that I shouldn´t think of someone in that way because I will end up hurt, but I know she doesn´t talk about me. She don´t want me to hurt someone. She knows that I will be gone and then I will be gone. I don´t want to be gone but sometimes things just happen.

Someday someone more important will take my place here on earth and I will be chilling with God. I just hope mum have right about that God just want another angel to heaven. I don´t want to be just space. I don´t want to just be another soul dying.



Dear Diary!

He knows that I exist and not just that I am sick and that kind of stuff. He walked up to me today and told me that I had a nice shirt. I don´t know if that is a big deal but for me it is. It means really much to me that he thinks that I have a nice shirt.

I still go in school and stuff but I can feel it in my body that it isn´t long left before I can´t do that ether because I´m so tired.

My dad come over today and told me that he would love to take me to a soccer game. That would be cool to see the big guys play. I have always loved soccer! Even if I don´t play anymore I still love the sport. I played before but now when I am sick I can´t do that more. My mum is scared that I will hurt myself, and maybe I will… I just want to live as much as I can while I can!



Dear Diary!

He sat with me at lunch and told me that he liked my humor. I know that this maybe don´t mean anything to him but it means the world to me. That he knows that I exist. It´s like someone up there make me have a great last time on earth. I know that it´s weird to think like that but I just want to live. I´m scared… I´m scared of what is coming, I´m scared of not knowing. I don´t know what´s going to happen to me and that is so scary. I don´t know if I even will wake up in the morning!

You said Forever! [Larry Stylinson]Where stories live. Discover now