Never Knew Love

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Never knew love till I was deeply in it
With the girl who was once too late to admit it
First date with her, I cant forget
Breaking her heart is what I regret

Days went by when we fooled around
She didn't know I was like a hell-hound
Weeks turned months, it was Christmas time
I was her new year's kiss, and she was mine

People say 2016 was a bad year
First time I lost her was the 2nd day of the year
She was seeing someone, I got paranoid
I knew, no one but her could fill my heart's void

It was start of June I last spoke to said girl
When I had to choose someone else over her
It was the worst decision I'd ever made
Worse than mixing Whisky with Gatorade

We reconciled quite close to October
But that phase was short-lived I clearly remember
She said I was too late to tell her how I feel
I realised I lost her forever and that was a big deal

But maybe there is a God somewhere
For he put you in the campus and made me go there
30 sleepless nights till I saw you in blue
I felt so much guilt I couldn't even look at you

A day passed by you messaged me on ig
Kept for a minute then took it back quickly
I was lucky enough to see it in time
Even though I was watching the death of Optimus Prime

For an Atheist like me, I think there may be a God
For no longer I cried listening to songs on my i-pod
4 months to complete since we started talking
3 months completed today and our relationship's rocking

I finally know what is it to be in love
I'll be your turtle, please be my dove
And if someone gets in between, I'll kill wearing a glove
And you can take a shovel and give em a little shove

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2017 ⏰

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