Chapter 7. A Sadist's Game

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Clear still sat against the wall, holding Akira in his arms. He didn't know how long he had been in the room with her, but he really didn't care, either. He was just glad to be with Akira right now. However, his attention was brought down to her, when he felt her shift and her hand suddenly tightened on his coat.

"Akira?" He asked, "Are you having a nightmare?"

"No," She whispered. He felt her trembling and he could feel the warm tears soak his shirt. He brought a hand to her head, stroking her hair. He wanted to help her, ease her in some way, but given the situation, he couldn't blame her for crying. He rested his cheek on her head and continued to stroke her hair.

Suddenly, they heard the lock of the door opening. Akira gasped and she looked to the door, shaking harder than she was before.

"Oh, Akira," Reizo's voice called in a singsong tone. Akira whimpered softly, "I've got a little present for you."

"Clear, please, don't leave me. I can't be alone with him anymore." Akira whispered.

"I'm not going to leave you. I promise." He looked up, holding Akira protectively. Reizo entered inside of the room and he stopped in his tracks, when he saw Clear.

"Haruka? Someone else is in here, touching my precious little girl. Care to explain who this might be?"

"I have no idea, Reizo. I've been out here waiting for you." Haruka answered as he entered. 

"Then, how did he managed to get in here?"

"There's been a lot of rumors of others possibly being on the island. He could've been one of them, one of the guys caught him, then put him here, thinking you might have fun with him, too."

"Perhaps, yes, I could see why, but...I feel like I know this particular...being." He walked toward Clear and eyed him over. Clear and Akira both had forgotten about that. The first time Reizo saw Akira, he saw everyone else. On top of which, he saw the gang members that were with them the day they tried to get Clear's home back. Which would explain why Forsaken hasn't been spotted by Dry Juice, the Beni Shigure, Scratch, or Ruff Rabbit. Although it was a lot of faces to memorize, with the numbers Forsaken is, no wonder they've been able to slip by without being seen, despite being so high in numbers.

"Ah...I do remember you," Reizo suddenly said as he snapped his fingers, "You're the guy that was driven out of your own house by us. I don't see how you could live there. Kind of a dump, man."

"Shut up! And you will not lay another hand on Akira!"

"Oh, but she belongs to me and I can touch whatever is mine. And I suppose I have you to thank for that. Had it not been for you running to Akira and your friends, I never would've been able to meet my little girl."

"She doesn't belong to you!" Reizo chuckled.

"Haruka. Take this one upstairs to the bedroom and keep him there. I already have a game in mind for him." Akira gasped, shakily and she looked between Haruka and Clear several times, then clung onto Clear.

"No, no, no." She begged. Haruka came to Clear and Akira, then knelt down.

"Just go along with it." He whispered. He grabbed Clear's arm and started to pull him to his feet. Akira whimpered and with what strength she had, she clung onto Clear.

"No, Clear! Please, don't!" She cried as tears streamed down her face.

"Akira, no listen. Listen to me," Clear said. He pulled on Haruka, stopping him, and knelt down on one knee, bringing his hand to her face. She clung onto his wrist, "Hey, listen. It's okay. It's going to be okay. Everything will be okay." She sniffled.

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