Chapter 2 - Mixed Emotions Running With Rain

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Who the hell does he think he is? How can that little idiot be fine with hurting such a lovely girl like Macie? I know I'm the bad boy of the school and everything but I'd never do that to a girl. Noah is as good as dead.

"Where are we going?" Macie asked as she silently followed.

"I dunno. Wherever." I turned back to her smiling,

"Do you want to get some ice-cream?" She spoke quietly. I nodded and started for my car.

"Hold up . . . you have a car? Actually scratch that, you drive a 1970 Dodge Charger? Jesus, it looks exactly like the one Dom drives in 'The Fast And The Furious'! Oh.My.God" Macie jumped up and down like a child in a candy store bursting with anticipation. I nodded again, proud of my car

"Yep, sure is. It's my pride and joy. I'm surprised that you know what car this is!" I laughed.

"Fast and Furious fan, what can I say?" She smiled shyly. I laughed. Not many girls I meet are into cars. She looked at me with wide eyes like I was some strange person from a different planet.

"What?" She asked. I shook my head at her

"That's hot!" I chuckled, lightly pushing he shoulder. A light blush covered her cheeks and I've got to say: It was the cutest thing ever. Her shoulders shrugged like what she had just said was no biggy. Laughing again, I opened the door for my 70's Charger and montioned for her to climb in. She hesitated for a second before ever so carefully sitting on the black leater then with such precession twisted her legs in. I closed the door and walked around to my side of the car. Once I got in I looked over at the beauty sitting right beside me. I suddenly felt compelled to say something, to apolpgize for that idiot. Macie looked so lost, so broken when she usually looked so happy ans full of life. I had a feeling that I would do anything and everything to piece back her heart and put a smile back on her face. Noah was a lucky bastered that she needed someone to catch - or he would have a broken nose by now. Macie's eyebrows scrunched up and her lips turned upside down.

"What?" I asked looking around for the thing that confused her

"If you have a car why do you catch the bus to and from school everday?" She asked, curiosity laced her words. I chuckled at her expression and that seemed to make her more confused.

"Because by parking my baby here I'm protecting her from the assholes who don't appreciate the value of this make." I informed earning myself a smile from her.

"Makes sense. But do you really think someone would be stupid enough to damage Lincoln Moore's Dodge Charger?" She laughed. I put a finger up to my chin as to say I was thinking

"Mmm, good point." Again she laughed, but this time it wasn't a real one. It didn't meet her eyes and that just made my anger for Noah sky rocket.

"Hey, why don't we go get that ice-cream?" I smiled while turning over my car. She gave me a small, sad nodd that I think may have broken my heart.

Noah was a dead man.

I took Macie to my favourite parlor on the outskirts of town, a little place called 'Cookies And Dough' from the look on her face I could tell she hadn't been here or even heard of the place.

"Hi wel. . . Lincoln! Hi! What can I get for you?" The young girl behind the counter asked as we walked in. Everytime I came here she would always be working and would always single me out by name, and everytime I left this place I would totally forget what her name was. Call me a dick, but I don't like esay women.

"Uhh, hi . . ." Shit, she wasn't wearing her name badge today! I hate making girls feel bad and this one obviously had a thing for me. I looked around trying to find something to help me remember her name. Behind the girl in question was an older looking lady that

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