Chapter 3 (Confused Feelings)

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Atlast I'm back ... sorry for the very very late update.. !!hope you'll like this chapter just comment and vote for this story if you like it ... ok ? ....thaanks :)here y'go

-Silver Blue


Fairine's Pov

After the bell rang I gathered my things and went to the locker with my two bestfriends.

But my mind keeps playin' the scene of what had happened beetween me and jacob until I heard a snap...........

"Hello ? EARTH-TO-FAIRINE ?? " Nina whispered loudly in my ear causing me to flinch.

"Oowww, girl why did you do that ? It hurts you know !!" I acted like I'm really offended while putting an angry look on my face..

" Hahahahaha just spill it out Smithy Girl" both Anna and Louise said in unison while smirking at me..

"Uuugghh !! -.- you better not mention it !! y'know" I smiled sweetly at them... well at this moment I can tell that I'm blushing..tsss !!

"Yaay !! Fairine already have feeling for our wittle jacob .. hahaha you better work this out girly " Louise teased me while playfully punching my shoulders

" Ohh shut-up , hahahaha well I really don't know if I already have feelings for him like duhh !!? .. we just met today and to think that he kissed me suddenly , it feels right y'know but ... I really don't know and he also stole my very 1st kiss....... its really complicated.." I sighed .. it's really tiresome day.. but I know I can't face him tomorrow.

" Aaawww, don't worry we're always here for you ok? whenever you had a problem just tell us .. "Nina squeeze my hand gently.. in response I hugged them both..

" I'm so lucky to have you guys.. i love you♥ both " I replied they're really supportive..caring and loving...

We separated because we need to go home because class is done ... all I need to do is relax....


Jacob's Pov

After the little incident that I made yesterday I can't stop thinking about Fairine.. her beautiful face keeps on running in my mind.. I don't know what to do ..Am I going to face her ? Maybe she hates me now....

UUGGHH !!! Goodluck to my ass... haha ..... Hmm ? lemme call someone !!


"What's up? did you call because of some chicks huh ?" Andrew said ... is he a fortune teller ? because he guess it right... just WOW ANDREW!!

"Goodmorning to you too.. !! and yes you guess is right man !! you're a great fortune teller hahaha " I teased him and he just laugh...

"Haha well what about this girl ? " he asked .. i think he really wants to know what's the problem..

"Well at first I bumped into her then second when i enter the room she's there .. man were classmates haha.. well after that I sat beside her and well.. uhhm I kissed her and it feels right y'know but .. I don't know if I like her or not.. it's complicated.." i replied and I just shrugged.. at what I said..

"whooahh !! that's a fast move bro haha !! well you'll know when talk to her or ask her but I think you should stay away from her 1st so that you will know because if you'll miss her or feels like your day is not complete then that's it !!" He said seriously ..

"Well thanks for the advice Andrew .. gotta prepare for school bye !! see ya later.." with that I hung up..

This would be a hard day....


do you like it ? I hope so well thanks for reading... just hit the vote button if you like this story and just comment ... I'd love to know yue feedbacks... I'll update soon

Instagram: @instagram_lovesus

follow me ok ? I just changed my names account on i.g thats why it isn't ummaswagger_silverblue anymore ...

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:) Thhhaaaaanksss !!

I love you all

-Silver Blue ♥

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2014 ⏰

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