Love Still Exist

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  • Dedicated to to all my readers

Not Yet Edited !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All rights reserved by me the author of this book and don't steal my work, you have been warned.



All I ever wanted was to be called someone's own, I thought to myself as I walk to the restaurant, like that's my girl by a guy who adores me so much and feels that without me he can't function properly or by my parents who will say that's my baby girl, oh see how she's grown. Who will show affection towards me but reverse is my case, I had no boyfriend and my parents died when I was five. So it was just wishful thinking on my part. I was not born to experience that side of life.

I was thrown in the foster care system and the two set of foster parents that adopted me were the worse set of people who could live on this planet called earth.

I try not to think about my life as I walk in through the back door of the restaurant to start my night shift as a waitress in a popular italian restaurant in mahantaan.   

"Hey Trey, how's you?"

Trey was the bartender here and also my good buddy, we attend college together, he was the one who got me this job.

"I'm flying and how's you?" I grinned at our exchange we use to do all the time, he was like the brother I never had.

"I'm hanging there."

I was lucky to get this job, the pay was excellent so it paid the bills and seeing me through college with little to spare for clothing and other expenses but I will take what I have, some people have it worse so I can't complain.

I couldn't afford to lose my job so I tried so hard to please the customers who come in here every day and slowly but gradually I learn to love my job.

I walk to the changing room and put on my white starch top and my black skirt. I tied the apron round my waist and head out to start my shift, I worked from five to eleven, all through the week.

It happened in the third hour into my shift when the most sexiest man I had ever seen in the past twenty-four years of my life walked into the restaurant.

He was wearing a tailored black suit, it clung to him like it was stitched to him, what was I thinking? Of course it was made for him, people who come in here definitely could afford the best and finer things in life. I tried not drool as I study the tit bits I could see of him, he walked in with so much authority like he owned the world and at the snap of his fingers will make everyone  to bow to him.

He headed for table seven, one of the tables I was waiting on, I was waiting on tables seven through fourteen which means I could get a closer look at him, as I approach the table I try to compose myself and do my job, after all men like this don't notice women like me.

"Evening......" I said as I poured iced water into the glass on the table.


That voice I was entranced by it, it sounded so beautiful and refreshing. I looked up to place a face to the voice. She had the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen they were the first thing I saw, I had blue eyes too but in hers I could drown, her hair was as black as night. I came here hoping to relax from the board meeting I just finished with the executives who were a pain in the butt at all times. I could have anyone handle them but I loved being in charge and the upcoming projects was worth billions that I can't afford to lose all because they didn't want to accept change.

".....welcome,here is the menu," she said handing me the menu

"I will be back for your order." As she walked away, my gaze followed her, her hips swayed in a gentle manner but still managed to be seductive which gave me an instant hard on shit!. I turned away and concentrated on the menu, I settled on Antipasti and dolce then signalled her that I was ready to place my order.

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