Chapter Two

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I never got to introduce my name. My name is Harrison Rosatti. Lets get on with the story now.

I walked into the main office to pick up my schedule. I noticed the office was rebuilt over the summer. New painted walls. New desks for the atendance clerk and secretary. New copy machine. New computers. New lights. New everything! The only thing that wasn't new were the crappy workers inside the office. I tried not to make eye contact with Ms.Hamilton the secretary. She was mean, non caring about her job, and she had some hot breath. 

I maneuvered over to four piles of papers containing student schedules and locker combinations. One pile was for freshman, one for sophmores, one for junoirs, and one for seniors. I quickly shuffled through the papers hoping Ms.Hamilton wouldn't see me. I grabbed my paper and left.

I walked out of the office really fast to avoid Ms.Hamilton. I then bumped into this girl. BAM. I hit her really hard and knocked out her books.

"I'm sorry about that..." I said in a caring voice, because I did care. Her eyes were light blue. Hair nice and straight. She wore these hipster glasses. The fake kind people wear, but I knew they were perscription. She had a pink shirt with a grey tank top, some jeans, and black converse on.

"That's alright. I bump into people a lot. I'm not cautious about where I walk." She said in a smooth, and irresistabe voice that I couldn't get enough of. " I'm new here by the way. My name is Dakota Young." 

"Nice to meet you. My name is Harrison Rosatti. I'll catch you later, so take it easy. Alright?"

"I will." She said in a sweet tone.

I then walked off to get to class. My first class was AP Calculus AB. I hated the class already. Equations were to hard, and we were dumped with homework on the first day of school. I wanted go home and eat, but I still had seven more classes left. Imagine doing this for 178 more days, until college. Fuck my life.

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