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Name: Oenothera Designs

Skills: Multimedia Design (Graphic, Web, and Video)

Qualifications: Bachelor's Degree in Media Arts/Graphic Design & a post-college profession. I'm an in-house designer, meaning I work inside an office for a specific company.

Weapons: Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, After Effects, Premiere Pro, etc. I got dem all, and I know how to use dem all.) ;)

Secondary Weapon: My baby, a 27 inch iMac with Retina 5k Display (translation: "a really nice, big Apple computer")

Background: I take pride in my work, and I do my best to meet my client's needs. I have educational and professional experience, but I am in no way claiming to be the best in my trade. I always aim to improve.

Timeframe: 1 day to 1 week, dependent on request

Genres: I'm up for the challenge of any genre.

For Fanfiction: I will NOT create graphics with photos of actual people (ie. Emma Watson). Only legal stock images.

I will not "Google Image/Pinterest/DeviantArt" your design together like some other Wattpad designers do. Unless, the respective owners of the images give their written consent. Who cares if Wattpad is "free"? Stealing is still stealing.

P.S. I love what I do. I create your covers like they were mine, so everything you see in here was created with my full attention. ❤

Oenothera DesignsWhere stories live. Discover now