Mom, Dad?

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When I saw who stood there, my mouth dropped open, my eyes widened, im sure i went pale, and my heart just flat out dropped out of my body. What the actual Hell were they doing here...



All three of us, stood in the doorway in awe. Who was it ? You may ask.

My parents...
The ones who were always there for me, took care of me, fed me, and so much more, till i turned 10. When they left a note and dropped out of Sarah and I's lives like flies.
      All of the sudden I heard Sam behind me.
"Karen, Jeff? What are you doing here! We haven't seen you guys in months!" He sounded so ... exited?
But instead of them responding they glanced over at him the looked back at me.
I quickly was thrown over the edge with emotion. Tears welled in my Blue eyes and frustrated and anger brewed inside of me. I purched my lips and let a tear fall down my cheek before turning around and running back down the stairs and to Dean's room.


She ran. But, Why?
I stared at her as she sprinted down the stairs and turned around the corner so fast she slid a little before continuing on. I furrowed my eyebrows and turned to look at Karen and Jeff. They hesitated to look me in the eyes, but when i didnt stop staring, All our eyes met.
"You Two have a lot of explaining to do." I scolded, Pointing at them they nodded and looked down at there shoes.


Crowley had just left. So I Went to grab a beer. as I turned around and was twisting the cap off I Saw Mya Run past the kitchen opening, Obviously crying. My eyes widened and I quickly set my  bottle down and Ran after her. I was shocked when she went to my room instead of her own. Hers is Literally Right down the hall. But at the moment I really didn't care, like at all.
I jogged down the hall after the light Pat Pat Pat coming from Mya's little bare feet until I heard my door slam.
I Started to knock on the door hoping she would please let me in. I Had literally No idea what was wrong, But my goal was to find out. I could hear her little sniffles and quiet mumbles to herself.
"Mya? Please let me in. What....Whats wrong?" 
After a few long moments I heard Mya fumbling with the door knob, so I stepped back and watched as The door slightly opened. Her Mascara was running down her face and her eyes were bloodshot and watery. But for some odd reason, she still was gorgeous.
"What?" as expected, her voice was shaky and filled with vigar. I thought for a minute, then used my left hand to shove the door farther open, causing her to stumble back  and widen her eyes in confusion  and become alert. But, before she could use any of the moves I Taught her on me, I engulfed her petite body in my arms.
She struggled for a moment then stopped and leaned into my somewhat forced hug.
After a Long ass 20 minutes of balling and "Its Ok"s I finally felt Like i needed to know what was going on.
" so... you gunna tell me whats got your panties in a twist?".
"My.... My Parents...Their Here." She sobbed into my chest.
"Wait, How do they know where we are?" She started to cry even louder. This was a chick flick moment, If i've ever seen one. But of course, i did the nice thing and held her tighter, and attempted to comfort her.
" Sorry, That doesn't matter. Why are you crying if their here shouldn't you be happy?" I mentioned.
Mya pushed herself from my grasp and shoved her frosty blue eyes so deep in my own, That i wouldn't be shocked if my eyes turned blue.

"No! You don't understand! Me and Sarah, We loved them the same way any child would love their parents! But.... But one day.."
She stopped talking to let herself sob, wrapping her arms around herself for a moment. leaving me bewildered and glazed in confusion, Before she unwrapped herself and began to do something between a depressing sob and a Angry scream.
"They just left, leaving us nothing but a sticky note, My Uncles phone number, and a envelope full of 50's. Thats it! They were just gone! Not to mention, That I was only 10, and Sarah was only 14." 
That was it. She was done. You could see the differant emotions flashing through her eyes like a heat lightning storm.  Her knees broke from under her and she started crumbling to the ground.
I had never felt such a strange  feeling in my entire life.  I wanted nothing more than to wrap her up in my arms and run my fingers through her coal-colored hair and make lame jokes to cheer her up.

I walked over to Mya's crouched over body, sighed, then leaned on my own knees to match our heights. I put one arm over her bouncing shoulders, as i snaked the other arm around her waist and pulled her into me. Feeling her tense slightly under my grasp. She layed her head on my shoulder and we stayed in that exact same position for about 30 minutes. When I heard her Breath even out, and her body mold against my own, I picked her up and layed her in my bed, before walking out the door.


Here we sat in the kitchen, Me, Karen, and Jeff, or in other words, Mya's parents.  I couldn't believe they were heartless enough to leave there 2 young daughters to fend for themselves. I was so close to kicking them out, well, that was before Dean walked in, more like stormed in and had a very angry expression om his face.
" How could you do that to her!" He screamed, taking everyone of us off guard. Dean stomped over towards them making them get out of their chairs.
Standing up, I stopped in front of dean, my hands out to him as he made angry eyes at the couple.
"Dean, Calm down." without even looking at me, he answered.
" I'm going to kill them!" I emmiedietly widened my eyes and put my hands on his shoulders. I new he'd do it. He would kill these people for doing this to her. He had grown to really like her. It was even close to love. "

"Dean, you cant do that. Im just as upset as you are, but we are still hunters, we are Not cold-blooded killers, we arn't Rampaging maniacs. Just.... Calm down Dean." as soon as i finished he looked me in the eyes, lost his battle stance and mumbled an 'im fine'. I new then that it was ok for me to let go of his shoulders. I stepped back and looked at Karen and Jeff. Their stances also faltered. Finally Jeff spoke.

"We can talk about Mya and Sarah later, right now we need to talk about Trojania. We Have information on her and we would like to help you in killing her."

Hi guys.... I know some of you may be mad that i haven't updated in around 2 months, and im Really really really sorry. I've been going through some tough stuff lately and hope you understand that. But I hope you liked this extremely overdue chapter.

Love and hugs,

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2017 ⏰

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The Hectic Life of Mya Hanchet.(Supernatural)When you fall in love with a hunterWhere stories live. Discover now