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"But Myung -" 

"No!" Kim Myungsoo declared as he slung his guitar case over his shoulder. He gulped down the last of his juice before exiting the kitchen.

Bae Suzy heavily sighed. "All I ask of you is that you meet my parents. I'm not asking you to cure cancer." She followed him out of the kitchen and into the foyer. 

Myungsoo turned to face his girlfriend, making it more than obvious that he was annoyed. "Well, in my book, they're the same thing." 

Suzy's mouth dropped as she handed him his coat. "How is that the same thing?"

"Because, it just is," Myungsoo softened his tone, not wanting to argue. He placed his hand on her head. "Look, I know it may seem ridiculous seeing that we've been dating for almost a year now." 

"Oh no, it's beyond ridiculous," Suzy's arms were folded across her chest as she glared up at him. She couldn't understand why exactly Myungsoo was so adamant about not meeting her parents. They were't scary or intimidating. At least not that she knew of...

"I just... need more time..." Myungsoo mumbled the last part, but Suzy heard it loud and clear. 

"More time?!" She unfolded her arms and put them on her hips. "What do you mean, more time?"  

Myungsoo nervously shrugged. "I don't know, I just want to be sure that I'm worthy enough to date their daughter. And I don't think I'm there yet." 

Suzy's eyes widened. This was the first time she was hearing of this. "Myungsoo, I didn't know that..." she looked down, sorry that she had been such a pest. 

Myungsoo cleared his throat, trying to ease the tension. "Well, now you know. And besides, shouldn't I be the one asking to meet your parents, not you shoving it down my throat every other day?" 

Suzy was taken aback, startled by his words. "Is that what I'm doing?" 

Myungsoo meant it as a joke, but Suzy looked genuinely hurt. "Suzy, I didn't mean it like that," he hastily tried to back track. Unfortunately, the damage had already been done.

"But it's true though, isn't it?" She let out a small whimper. "So Baekhyun was right..." 

Myungsoo furrowed his eyebrows. "About what?" 

"That I'm an obsessive girlfriend!" she cried. 

Myungsoo's couldn't believe his ears. "Seriously, Suzy. Do you believe everything that freak tells you?" 

Suzy crossed her arms. "He's not a freak, he's my cousin. He's also my best guy friend," she defended. 

Myungsoo sighed and ran a hand through his hair. This was the girl he was dating. "You know, I think being in a classroom all day with a bunch of kindergarteners is starting to mess with your brain. Now you're taking relationship advice from Baekhyun." 

"I wouldn't need to ask him for advice if we didn't have so many problems," Suzy looked down. Suddenly she was feeling annoyed. All she and Myungsoo ever did was bicker. She couldn't remember the last time they'd had a decent conversation, and it bugged her. 

Myungsoo shifted his feet and tilted his head. "Are you really trying to go there right now?" 

Suzy sighed and shook her head. "Go. Or you'll be late for practice." She turned and walked over to the kitchen, not wanting to see him out. 

Exasperated, Myungsoo rubbed his eyes. Bae Suzy could be a piece of work.  

Locking the door behind him, Myungsoo left Suzy's apartment, feeling frustrated. He didn't mean to put her in a sour mood right at the start of the day, and it didn't help that Suzy was extremely sensitive. But Myungsoo needed to weasel out of her grasp a little. It was true that he needed time, but not for the reasons he said. 


Kim Taeyeon bit her lip, trying to hold in her giggle as she read over one of her students' essays. The assignment was clear and simple: Write about your plans for the future, at least five sentences. Taeyeon was prepared to read more than her fair share of outlandish fantasies about taking over the moon or becoming the queen of China. Granted, that's what one would expect of a six-year-old.  

What she didn't expect, however, was to receive a page long, detailed explanation of how a little boy was going to graduate from Harvard, start his own law firm, and retire early as an outstanding businessman. While one would gawk at the young one's ability to construct a well-developed, multi-paragraph essay, Taeyeon could only smile. Her students were brilliant, the pride of her life, she'd say. 

Just as she was about to mark an "A+" in the top right corner of the paper, her cell phone vibrated on her desk. She picked it up, knowing exactly who was texting her. 

U still at work? - Baek 

Taeyeon looked at the time: it was five-thirty. She hadn't realized she was working so late. Usually, she was gone by three. Putting her red pen down, she responded. 

Grading papers - Tae  

Just then, there was a gentle knock on her classroom door. To her surprise, in walked the man she was just texting. 

"Baekhyun?" Taeyeon stood up, startled by the sudden visitor. 

"Surprise," Baekhyun smiled as he leaned on the doorframe. "I hope you don't mind me dropping by." 

"Um, no," Taeyeon looked down, fumbling with the papers on her desk, "but, what are you doing here?" 

Baekhyun stood up straight and approached her desk. "Suzy called and said she had something important to tell us. She wants us to meet her at Kyungsoo's Bakery tonight at six. And, since I was already driving in this direction to drop off something, I figured I'd pick you up. Is that fine with you?" Baekhyun looked at her with expectant eyes. 

Taeyeon hesitantly nodded. It's not like she could say no when he already came all this way. "Sure. Why not?" 

Baekhyun's face immediately lit up. "Alrighty then, let's go!" Before Taeyeon had a chance to protest, or pack up her things, she was being dragged out of her classroom by an enthusiastic Baekhyun. 

Eventually, she caught up to his pace. "So, what was so important that she need to tell us?" She was lightly panting. 

Baekhyun simply shrugged. "Who knows? All I know is that I like surprises and I have been craving one of Kyungsoo's chocolate cupcakes for weeks." 

Taeyeon chuckled as she followed him to the school's exit.

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